the beginning

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       Hi brook....and well i live with a christian mom and an atheist dad. I know what you must be thinking how do they love each other? Let alone gotten married and had a child together right. The thing is they don't care and they don't talk about religion  they just accept that they believe in different things. They also let me do whatever i want because they are so into each other. I'm also 16 and i'm bi. I haven't told anyone yet and don't exact plan on telling my parents maybe my friends but only if i know they wont tell anyone else. I live in cali and have all my life  and well i met the most amazing people here including the most amazing one my bestie veronica

          heyy im veronica im' 16 and bi i haven't told anyone and also don't plan on it .and I  also live in cali. and my life is all glitz and glam  mostly because my mother is a really big cosmologist and she also is a model . My mom is gone 24/7 so she doesn't really have time to cater to my every need. My dad well....he died in a fatal accident he used to work with a huge CEO company or so me and my mom thought only to learn he was selling very bad drugs that could kill you instantly. When i found out about it i decided to get drunk and ended kissing brook. I didn't know i kissed her and brook told me the next day at school that i did. Thats further into the story intel then tata for now 

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