fashionably Late

38 5 0

Ace's pov
I Feel bad for Yelling at baby but she doesn't understand what i went through.......nobody does

6:00 Am

Ace: *shakes baby* Babe wake up

Baby: noo what

Ace: *kisses her* Get up come on

Baby: Ace it's *looks at time* 6 am are you really trying to have sex right now.......wait OMG ITS 6

Ace: Calm down we'll make it please 5 minutes

Baby: *Tries to get up* Move off of me were going to be late go get dressed the Airport is 30 minutes away

Ace: *kisses her neck*


Ace: stop 5 minutes

Baby: Noo move

Ace: Just open your legs

Baby: Excuse me

Ace: 5 minutes

Baby: Ace we are going to be late

Ace: *kisses her neck* you know you want to

Baby: *Sigh* Omg fine 5 minutes

2 minutes later

Jace ki and tee run in their room


Everybody: *screams*

Baby&Ace: WHAT THE FUCK ......WHYY

Jace: *laughs* are y'all fuckin

Tee: Ew ew ew * holds his stomach* I think I'm gonna throw up

Ki: *laughs* Y'all are sad just sad

Baby: GET OUUTT Haven't y'all heard of knocking

Jace: Sorry we thought y'all was up

Ki: Yeah ......they up *laughs*

Ace: oh my fuckin god

Jace: y'all know our flight leaves at 7:05 right

Ace: We were only gonna do it for 5 minutes

Ki: Ace...5 minutes....that's embarrassing

Ace: Get out and let us Get ready

Jace: Wait.....y'all about to finish then get ready

Ace: Duh

Tee: Okay I'm out

Ki: can i watch

Ace&Baby: NO

Jace: can i

Ace&Baby: NOO

Ace&Baby: GET OUT

Jace: Fine fine *Closes door*

Baby: *Tries to get up*

Ace: Whoa whoa where you going

Baby: I'm going to take shower

Ace: Can i come

Baby: oh my god

Ace: Baby wait....can we finish in the shower

Baby: fineee

6:15 AM

Tee: Are they done yet

Jace: I'm hungry *opens the refrigerator* Oooo food

Ki: *opens cabinet* Ooo cereal

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