Years had passed by. It was now March 16th, 2005. I just finished my first four years of College and I have just applied to go to Princeton's Law School. It has always been my dream to be a lawyer! I was so excited to find out if I got accepted or not ,but I was also very scared to find out. Kathy invited me to go to her place ,and just hang out for the night. So I went over. She lived very close so I just walked to her apartment. When I got there she had made a hamburger for her and I. "I'm so nervous to find out if I got accepted into their law school!" I said. "Don't worry at all. I know you will get into it ,and you will do an amazing job!" "You really think so?" "I know so." "Thank you so much! You are the best friend I have ever had!" "You too!" "Now let's eat dinner now. I'm starving!" "Ok." Dinner tasted amazing. Kathy was such a good cook! I wished she could be my chef! I left her house and went to bed. The next morning I woke up. There was a letter in the mail. From Princeton University. At that moment I called Kathy ,and told her to get over right away! So she did. "I am terrified to open the letter!" I said to her nervously. "Ok we will open it together." My hands were shaking as we both ripped the envelope open ,and opened the card. "Oh my gosh! I got accepted!" "Ahhhhh I can't believe it! I'm so happy!" "And I'm very happy for you!" The card said "Congratulations! You have been accepted into our law school! You will be starting April 12th, 2005."