The Purge Doesn't Wait!

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"Get in the car!", my father yells.
I roll my eyes. "I told you, I'm not coming with you!"
"Then what are you going to do? The Purge doesn't waot! It'll start in 10 hours. We wanted to be gone already!"
"I'm taking the helicoptre!" I declare decidedly.
"But you don't even know how to fly a helicopter!", my mom shrieks, almost fainting.
I cross my arms. Parents, right? "Mom, I've been training my flying skills in secret for 2 years. I'm probably better than dad!" I eye him accusingly. "When was the last time you flew the helicoptre, dad? You used to be cool, but now you're such a coward!"
My father runs towards me, tryibg to grab me, but I flee back into the house, locking the door from the inside.

"Caty, open the door!", my mom yells.
"Leave her be", my dad sighs. "She's not our little princess anymore. She will get by just fine."
A smile creeps on my face and I almost feel bad for yelling at him.
When I hear our car driving off I run to the helipad and climb inside the helicoptre.

Soon after I'm flying off into the sunset.
"California, here I come!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2018 ⏰

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