the next day

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9:08 am

I woke up with a headache Alex was laying next to me we was both naked I don't remember what happen last night after the party I guess I put the thing on this girl I laughed to myself I still had my strap-on on I put my boxers on I went into the bathroom and turned the shower on I threw my clothes and the door clothes hamper I got my towel and wash rag I got in the shower I was in the shower for 30 minutes I washed my body up 3 times and washed my hair I got out I went into the room and dried my body off I put on some boxer and a black sports bra I put on some orange basketball shorts and black wife beate and I then slid my Jordan sandals on I grabbed the keys I never seen before which I was guessing was to my Lamborghini I locked the house door and got in the car I drove to home depot I went into the store I got black , yellow and white paint I bought different size paint brushes I payed for it which came up to $147.03  I put the paint and paintbrush in the car and drove back home I pulled in the garage I got the stuff I bought I locked my door and went into the house I went into my room asked was still sleep so I went down to the guess room I moved everything out of the room I opened the black paint I started to print the room black out took me 2 hours to paint the whole room I then outlined the batman sign in white I then cooled it in yellow I made the bat man sign on every wall I left everything outside while it dried Alex finally woke up she came downstairs with a big t shirt on  woah she said I smiled and kissed her she kissed me back ..whose room is this she asked well I'm thinking about getting my brother out of the foster home I promised him that when I can get him I will I smiled at her she hugged me you should get a bat man bed-spread while the walls dry she said  I missed them said come with me  okay let me go put on some clothes I went to sit on the couch as she went to change she came back 10 minutes later

(skipping to the store)

we got in Ashley's they had alot of beds I went to the kids section they had princess , cartoons, famous people etc. I went to the little boys section I seen Spider-Man, the hulk, superman then bat man it matched perfectly it has the vast man sign on the pillows and on the middle of the bed I grabbed a queen size since the first room bed is a queen I payed 60 dollars

we got in the car and put the bed-spread in the trunk I started driving with one hand I put my hand on Alex thigh I rubbed slowly she got a phone call I kept rubbing closer to her clît

hello.......(moans a lil bit) my friend.....I'm not dang hop off my back(moans louder)...why u worried bout my love life just because you can't get a man don't mean you gon pick and choose for me......(I stopped rubbing) whatever hop off my imaginary dick then she hung up I looked over at her she was pissed so I leaned over and kissed her neck softly I licked her neck leaving a small hickie I pulled up into the house I got out the car for the bed spread and went into the house the walls was dry I moved everything back to where they was I hooked the flat screen tv onto the wall again I pushed the bed and dresser back in I pulled the bed spread off and sheets I put new sheets on and made the bed with the bat man bed spread I filled the old bed spread and put the sheets in the laundry room

I went to my room to see Alex changing the sheets and making the bed I came up behind her and hugged her she turned around and looked up at me she missed my cheek and smile I grinded on here she chuckled a little I got to go she said I nodded and kissed her for about 3 minutes she left I tried to call indie but no answer that was a new thing she always answer my calls I left out the house 2 minutes after Alex I got my extra key that India mom gave me I drove my lamb to her house her mom wasn't home so I pulled the key out and unlocked the door I shut the door softly I walked up the steps to her room I heard the tv on I opened the door she was sitting down kissing some boy they stopped kissing she looked at bad I said I ran down the stairs I walked out the house and looked the door back I got in my car I was pulling out the driveway indie started running out the house but I just kept driving how could she ignore me over a boy idc what I was doing I wouldn't ignore her for no girl but it's whatever I went over to the adoption center I was scared I parked my car then walked in the building was big with alot of kids I went into the office

lady: hi how can I help you

me: I'm here to adoptt my lil brother

lady: what's his name

me: jai centina

She started to the his name then she gave me a packet I started to fill it out it took me about 30 minutes to fill it out I gave it back to her she went thru it and she called a key in to take me back I went to the back I seen jai  I smiled he ran to me I picked him up he kissed my cheek I miss you jass he said I miss you too jai ...he hugged me some more you gonna start being home with me okay he nodded I put him down he held my hand we walked back to the office can I please go home with my sister jai said the last smiled and laughed yes little man Ms.Centina when will you be ready to take him she asked now I said excitedly okay he already got picked bags Jai take her up to get your bags okay he said we went into a room that about 30 beds in there he gave me a Mickey mouse bag and a red and white beg I grabbed the bags and we went downstairs I signed him out then we went to the car I put his bags in the trunk I put him in the back seat and strapped him in I got in the driver seat strapped myself in drove off

I got a surprise for you I told him he smiled and said okay my house was about 15 minutes away from the adoption center I did for 10 mins then I looked in the rear view mirror jai was sleep we made it home five minutes later I woke him up  bring him in the house and took him into his room surprise I said  he jumped on the bed he laughed thank you he said indie called and I pressed ignore you hungry I asked him he said yes what you want I asked umm I want pepperoni pizza he said I called pizza hut and order it we set in the living room watching tv there was a knock on the door 30 mins later I opened it  it was the odds man I have him 20 and told him to keep the change it was not 7:40 I have jai a slice a pizza and gave myself a slice I got both of us a cup of sprite we sat in the living room watching spongebob we watched tv till 9:30 jai was sleep then there was a knock on the door I picked jai up then went to open the door and it was India I left the door opened I walked away to put jai on his pajamas I tucked him in his bed and kissed him goodnight I walked back to the living room ...I looked at India what you want? I'm v sorry she said I don't care her obviously is more important then me so go be with him no he is not jass whatever I said I'm staying all night no if and or buts I rolled my eyes then layed in my bed she came upstairs and layed next to me

((Alex p.o.v))

when I left from jass I went over to Terry house we fucked again but shit it's good and big so oh well

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