"That will conclude the meeting today. Any questions before being dismissed?" Yoongi asked before turning the projector off, "No? Alright, have a great day to all of you, you're dismissed." They all scattered out the small doorway, and let in a well put together man, he was quite old as well as handsome, "Glad to see you actually doing something to help the business," he sarcastically said, "I'm almost impressed. I found you quite the lady, someone you'll be interested in I think." A slim, beautiful young lady walked in, she wore a very short dress, and black pumps, her hair flowed gloriously, "Hello, nice to meet you, my name is Bae Joohyun, but I prefer to be called Irene. My occupation is a professional model, for 'Halo's Model Agency'." "A real catch, eh?" his father nudged his elbow. "Sure." Irene's smile faded away. "Oh I didn't mean to make you feel unwelcome or so. I'm just not interested." Yoongi stated bluntly, "But I will say, I wouldn't mind taking up dinner with you later to see if you could change my mind." "Of course here's my number," she happily gave her contact to the older, "I suppose I'll go now, see you later!" she scurried off out of the office. Yoongi rubbed his forehead before taking a seat, "I understand you think I'm lonely and you're only trying to help, but father I'm completely fine on my own and I don't need some girl messing my focus up. So please to my greatest appreciation, quit trying to help." "I'm not trying to "help" i'm trying to bond with you, but any other way won't catch your attention, but if you wish to have no association with me I shall be on my way," his father snapped at him, "Don't bother going to my penthouse tonight either." "You can't just take it back!" Yoongi yelled at him. "I can't?" his father gripped Yoongi's shirt, "I can take away anything I earned." "Better take Irene back to her place," his father laughed before heading to the door, "Also, have a nice walk home!" Yoongi slammed his fist onto the table, "Psh, he's told me he was going to take these things away before. Why should I believe him now!" "Excuse me.. Mr. Min.. Your father told me to give you this, before he left the building," she slid the envelope across the table and exited the room. Yoongi opened the envelope, and saw an invitation.
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"Tsk. This is why he set me up with that girl," he shook his head and shoved the paper into his pocket.
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Yoongi sighed, turned his phone off, and walked out the building.
He walked into his house, threw his phone on the couch as well as his keys. He then walked to the bathroom, and proceeded to take a shower. Yoongi put one of his casual suits on and decided not to do his hair.
"Reservation for Min Yoongi and Irene?" Yoongi asked the waiter who was at the start of the restaurant. "Ah, yes your table is over here, with this beautiful lady!" the waiter smiled and showed him his seat. In front of him sat a well dressed young lady, she wore a tight white dress, and white pointed heels. Although she was absolutely stunning, it still didn't impress Yoongi enough to pay her any form of a compliment. He originally planned to ghost her, but he assumed it'd be too harsh. He decided after the date he would. "Tell me when you two are ready to order," the waiter stood there patiently. "I'll have whatever he orders," Irene smiled. "Tch. I was going to say that," Yoongi remarked, earning a giggle from Irene, "I'll have a kimchi fried rice." "Alright any drinks?" "Appletini please," Irene spoke up. "Tonic and Gin." "Okay, your food will be here in a moment!" The two sat there awkwardly. Yoongi scrolling on his phone, not paying any form of mind to his partner. "So! I was wondering.. You know the Gala tomorrow. Would you be interested in going with me?" Irene finally broke the ice. "If I'm being blunt, no not really. I suppose I have no choice though. My father is going to make me, and there is no sense in not accepting since you'll be there anyway." Irene smiled awkwardly, "I guess your my date!" "Ugh, please don't make this any less enjoyable then it already is," Yoongi groaned still on his phone, "How much did he pay you anyway?" "Why do you assume he payed me?" she scoffed at his accusation. "Don't play coy with me, answer the question," Yoongi was now staring her dead in the eye. "A-A lot. I expected you to be bad-looking, but when I saw you I was surprised at the amount of money he'd given me, but now I understand why," she said bitterly, "you're a complete asshole. I've been trying my best here and your only negative. Lighten up a bit!" "Kinda hard when you don't want to be here! But sure I'll be all prissy and sarcastic!" Yoongi smiled at her. Irene rolled her eyes and pulled her phone out, "Look after this Gala, we agree to never do this again unless it has something to do with your father, okay!" she desperately asked. "Deal." Yoongi held his hand out. "Here is your food, enjoy and wave your hand if there is any problems!" the waiter bowed and ran off. For the rest of the date, the two actually got along nicely. They talked about business and dreams. Still, Yoongi didn't develop not one ounce of a feeling, but he did feel a friendship develop. On the other hand for Irene, she maybe had something for the older. "Alright, this was some date I suppose," Irene laughed, "See you at the Gala!" she hugged Yoongi. "See you then," Yoongi smiled and walked to his car. Incoming call from: Father💳 Yoongi picked his phone up, "Hello?" "How was the date with Irene. I expect to see you two together at the Gala tomorrow." "It was alright, she isn't bad. Though I wouldn't date her at all. I have absolutely no feelings for her." "As of now you don't. Soon my child you will." "Sure. Is this all you wanted?" "Yes. Have a goodnight, son." Yoongi hung up the phone and drove off.
When he finally arrived home, he immediately crashed onto his bed, and fell into a deep sleep. Tomorrow he had to prepare himself for the least enjoyable thing ever.
and that concludes 1 out of i dunno . uh ty for reading if you got this far :).