Getting to Little Heaven

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Hundreds of years ago, there was a small town where everyone was happy. No one cared about who had more money than another person. They didn't show off their money to anyone. They lived simply in harmony with each other. It didn't matter what you looked like, what you wore, or where you were from; this little town would accept you for who you were. This town was called Little Heaven. It was a pretty place with a nice name. Unfortunately, that blind willingness to accept everyone was also its downfall.

Little Heaven had a large group of visitors one day. An army, actually. They had stumbled upon the quaint town while scouting and Little Heaven had graciously agreed to house the army. The townsfolk did everything they could for them, however, the men weren't who they said they were and before the people could do anything about it, the men raided every house, every business and, when they were finished, they burned everything down; including all of the residents.

In the midst of all this tragedy, one man, a practitioner of magic, cast a spell over the town. A spell that gave every resident the power to come back from the grave in the form of phantoms to continue living the lives that were harshly take from them.

Little Heaven, now, is a literal ghost town that few travelers have had the opportunity to visit. Those who have stayed in Little Heaven during the night have all been frightened by the ghostly residents who greet them, but that is about to change.

A few miles away from Little Heaven

Driving down an old forgotten highway was a small family of three. There was a mother, a lovely woman by the name of River Banks, and her two children 15-year-old Forrest and 6-year-old Echo. River blamed her ex-husband, a grizzly man by the name of Bear, for the odd names that were chosen for them. River had finally gotten divorced and, almost directly after the paperwork went through, she got HER kids, packed everything up in HER van, and left HIS house. She was certain he was get evicted anyway and he would deserve it. The little moocher won't survive a month without HER.

"Mom, you're mumbling again." Forrest whispered from the passenger seat, not even looking up from the Nintendo DS in his hand. River looked over at her son for a second before she sighed. "And you're sighing again." He told her specifically because he knew it would bug her. She looked at her son out of the corner of her eye with a slight squint, but looked back to the road when she figured her son wouldn't look at her.

"I'm sorry, kiddo." She said, reaching over to ruffle Forrest's pure brown hair. She got a dramatic scoff from the action. He fingered through his hair to straighten it before he went back to playing his game. "You should let you sister have a turn on the DS."

"Echo doesn't like Pokemon." Forrest replied monotonous. River gave her son another look and let out a short laugh.

"That's a lie and you know it. She loves Pokemon," River looked over her shoulder at her daughter in the backseat. "don't you, Echo?"

"Yeah!" She squeaked, happily before she began mumbling a quick sentence that her brother couldn't understand, but, of course, her mother could.

River looked at her son and translated her ecstatic daughter's comment. "She said her favorite Pokemon is Abra because it's cute." Forrest rolled his eyes at his mother before he saved his game and gave the DS to his sister.

"Just don't play on my save." Echo giggled and happily took the DS. It wasn't more than a minute later that the small child began attempting to sing the original theme song.

River looked ahead and saw a little town. "We are going to stop in this town for a little bit to have lunch." River said, slowing down as the van entered the old town. She look around confused and suspicious. There was nothing in the town except old burned buildings that probably needed to be torn down for safety reasons. She looked around trying to see if there was anyone there, but, so far, she didn't see anyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2018 ⏰

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