elysian 💐 jaemin

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I think everyone could say that you were a little close to Jaemin. You hadn't been a trainee for long, but ever since you became one you and Jaemin have been glued by the hip. You've shared drinks, held hands, given many hugs, not to mention how much you two flirt.

"(y/n) can you tie my shoe, please?" Jaemin leaned back on his hands and stuck his foot up with a pout.

"You're not three, you can tie them, Nana." You finish the sentence with a whine, however you still walk over to the older boy and begin to tie his shoe.

"But I don't want to fall for anyone but you~"

A blush creeps onto your face until it reaches your ears, you push his foot off of your knee and smack his shoulder playfully.

"That was so sappy!"

"It was also disgusting, go get a room!" You almost forgot that the rest of Dream was also in the practice room, Donghyuck looking over at you two with squinted eyes and pursed lips.

"You're just jealous because (y/n) doesn't love you as much as he loves me!" Donghyuck gasps dramatically, beginning to fake cry as Renjun laughs at him. You laugh with the rest of the boys, Jaemin's stare going unnoticed.


"Roses are red, violets are blue–"

"Haven't you got anything better to do~?" Jeno presses his shoulder against yours, batting his eyelashes as he finished your poem in a sarcastic lovey-dovey response.

"Hey! He wasn't done!" Jaemin stuck his bottom lip out in a pouting manner even though you've already made so many versions of the childish rhyme.

They end up bickering for a couple more minutes, which was highly amusing to you, until Chenle reminded everyone that break time was over. Groans were heard throughout the room, everyone moving to get in their correct places, all but Jeno and Jaemin at least; the two still arguing about something more stupid than smart. You shake your head and giggle a bit while walking over to the older boy. Your arms move around Jaemin's shoulders,

"It's okay, Jaemin, he's just upset because you don't flirt with him anymore."

"Wha– I am not–!!" Jeno barely finishes before Jaemin interrupts him, his hands coming up to find your own small ones.

"Ah, that's right~! Everyone is jealous of my cutie, (y/n)."

The third wheel of the party mimicks Jaemin, moving his hands around him to 'add effect'.

"Alright, this is funny and all, but can we get back to practicing? I don't want to stay late again."


Donghyuck is absolutely horrified, definitely traumatized, one hundred percent disgusted! Okay, maybe he was only a little disgusted, but we all know he's a drama queen in disguise. He had walked in on you two cuddling for the third time this week, booping each other's noses and giggling softly. He had to admit, it was all very cute; but you have your own dorm until you debut, can't you guys maybe do that cuddling stuff there?

"I feel like I'm talking to a wall, you two– yeah you– go somewhere else!"

"Why? I can't hang out with boyfriend?" You look at Jaemin with confused eyes, boyfriend? You don't remember ever going over that topic recently. Not that you mind.

"No, I don't allow PDA in my– wait... Boyfriend? You two are an official thing now?"

Donghyuck sounds more annoyed than surprised, probably because he knows the "lovey-dovey butterflies in my tummy" banter would never end.

"Yeah..." You avert your gaze to the boy already looking at you with heart eyes and a smile, "Yeah, I guess so."

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