Lost family

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This is my first story so bare with me. It is set before season 4. It is a kidge story so if you don't ship them then don't read this or read it because you love pidge and or Keith. Let me know of anything I should improve or need to fix. Enjoy!

It was just your average day on the castle. Lance was doing his usual morning routine, Keith was training, Pidge was sitting in the air vents trying to find her brother and father, and Shiro was waiting for danger. Hunk and Coran were off getting some decent food at the space mall while Allura was making sure everything was working good.

Allura saw that a wormhole opened up and five big Galra battle ships came out. She pressed the alarm and she told Hunk and Coran to hurry back. All the paladins stopped what they were doing and ran to the control deck. "What's going on!?" Shiro said. "We are under attack by the Galra, everyone to their lions!!" Allura said as everyone ran to their lions.

.........................Time skip..............................

They all were fighting with all they had but they were too overpowered. Suddenly one of the Galra battle ships turned its laser beam at the red lion. "Watch out!!" Pidge said as she rammed the green lion into the red lion. The green lion was suddenly taken up into the Galra ship.

All the ships left through another wormhole and the only things left were the castle, the paladins, and pieces of scrap from the ships they destroyed. The green lion was nowhere to be seen. The paladins headed back to the castle. When they got back to the control deck everyone was wondering where Pidge was, except for Keith he looked really mad and upset. Everyone noticed Keith and asked him if he knew where Pidge is. Keith said nothing for a second then he finally said, "She sacrificed herself to save me.......The Galra took her." Everyone was shocked at what they just heard.

*Side note- Hunk and Coran are still not back yet.*

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