The End Part 1

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They all meet up in the dining hall, Keith was the last one in. "Keith did you find her in her ro...." Allura noticed that Keith was holding a folded piece of paper. " Keith what is that??" Allura asked, pointing to the piece of paper. Keith handed it to Allura, who started to read it out loud. Everyone had a surprised and terrified look, they didn't know what to think or say.

Keith spoke up and said " We need to get her back before they do something bad to her!" Everyone yelled, "Let's go and get her back!!" "We need to find them first,"Shiro said.

To Pidge

She has been tossed in a cell. It looks just like her old cell. Pidge has been in there for a couple of days with little to no food being given to her. The door has finally opened and a cloaked figure appears. "I am Haggar, we need your help with something that will destroy the Universe." "I will not help you, not never!!" Pidge says. "Then we will find the other paladins and kill them all, then we will destroy your precious little Earth. You will see them die right in front of you." Haggar said.

Pidge was hesitant but she said "Fine I will help you." Haggar said you guys can come in, then two galra soldiers came in. They put Pidge in what looked like cuffs, then they took her to a lab.

*To be continued*

Sorry about the very long wait. I hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year. I am adding one more chapter as you can tell by the title. If you guys want an alternate ending after reading the last part when it comes out then let me know in the comments. I hope you have enjoyed this story so far. I will add the last part as soon as I can. Thank you all so much for reading this sad yet beautiful story.

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