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Hello! This is my first short story, if you would like to say anything good/bad about it, go right ahead and comment!

Pidge POV

I was sitting in the castle kitchen waiting for everyone to arrive.
Hunk walked in, then Shiro and Keith, then Coran and Allura, and last, Lance. He's last for everything, you get used to it.
     "I have some exciting news," Allura said happily. "We are hosting a party in the castle!"
     "Wait, what?" I yelled as I looked up at her.
     "The guests will start arriving in a few hours, so please be ready by then," Allura smiled.
     I sighed as everyone walked out. I noticed Allura walking over to me.
     "Pidge, I'm going to help you get ready. You're going to look so pretty!!" She exclaimed and grabbed my arm, pulling me to her room.
When we entered her room, she went straight to her closet and pulled out a beautiful green dress. It was black at the top and faded into a dark green. There were silver jewels splattered across the dress.
"Oh, wow..." I quietly said and looked up at Allura. "Are you serious?"
"I am very serious!" She said, obviously excited. "Go put it on so we can see how it fits."
I grabbed the dress and went to the bathroom to put it on. I looked in the mirror and frowned. The dress fit perfectly, stopping down at my ankles. It felt weird, I haven't put a dress on in years.
I slowly walked out of the bathroom to see Allura looking for a dress to wear. She turned around and gasped.
"Pidge, you look amazing!!" The princess shouted and ran over to me.
"I don't know... I mean, I love the dress, but I don't love it on me." I said and looked down.
"Believe me, you look beautiful. Now, let's get started on your makeup so then you are completely ready!" Allura said and pulled me over to a chair.
I sat down and took off my glasses. I don't understand why I agreed to do this. Maybe so I can get more comfortable since we might be doing this a lot. Whatever the reason, I felt weird.
Ten minutes later, Allura spun the chair to face the mirror. I studied myself. I looked much prettier than I was before. I stood up and walked over to the bigger mirror.
"Wow.. I look.." I mumbled, speechless.
"You look beautiful, Pidge." She smiled. "I'm going to get ready now, but stay in here. We are going to walk out together."
"Can I grab something from my room quickly? Please?" I asked.
The princess thought for a moment. "Okay, but come back here immediately."
"Thanks!" I yelled as I rushed to my room. I opened the door and grabbed my space caterpillars. I wanted them to be with me because they always comforted me.
As I walked back to Alluras room, I realized how quiet it was. Then I heard laughing coming from a room down the hall. I decided to check it out, guessing that the boys were all getting ready together.
I peeked in, trying not to let anyone notice I was there. They were all in tuxedos matching their Paladin Armor. Lance rooked toward the door and glanced at me. My eyes widened and I ran back to Alluras room. I think he noticed me, I hope he didn't.
     I closed the door and sighed. I let my space caterpillars sit on my shoulders as I sat down and waited for Allura.
     Allura walked out of the bathroom in a beautiful pink sparkly dress. At the top it was a dark pink fading into white at the bottom. There were jewels everywhere. We were kind of matching.
     "Allura, you look amazing!" I shouted as I walked over to her, my space caterpillars floating behind me.
     "Thank you, now let me do my makeup and then we can all meet at the main room where the party will be held. Guests will be arriving in 5 minutes."
     Five minutes later, Allura was ready.
     "I told everyone where to meet, they should be there by now. Lets go," she said and started walking out of her room.
     I took a deep breath and let my space caterpillars sit on my shoulder. I walked out behind Allura.
     As we walked through the doorway, I saw the other Paladins and Coran waiting for us. Everyone turned toward us.
I don't want attention, just let me be.
Lance blushed and looked away. "You both look.. amazing," he never made eye contact with me.
I frowned and crossed my arms. "When does this party start? Now?"
Allura was about to speak when guests started arriving. A bunch of different species of aliens walked in, talking to each other. The princess went over to welcome them while the rest of us stood here awkwardly.
Everyone just went their separate ways, trying to act excited or find something to do. I just stayed in a corner and watched my space caterpillars play in front of me. I looked up to see Lance walk over.
"Hey," I mumbled and looked back at my caterpillars.
"You should name them," Lance blurted out. He thought for a moment. "The blue one should be Bubbles, and the green one should be Greenie."
I looked up at him and started laughing. "Bubbles and Greenie. Cute."
He blushed and picked up Bubbles. "I wish I had one. They look cuddly."
"You can have Bubbles, seeing as I have two and blue matches your paladin armor and your suit tonight. Speaking of, you look nice." I said, a smile on my face. Lance looked so cute right now. His face was lit with excitement, his cheeks had a slight blush.
There was music playing, chatting, and lots of happy guests.
Lance put Bubbles down and stuck his hand out. "May I have this dance?" He asked.
I slightly blushed and took his hand. "You may."
He pulled me out onto the dance floor. A slow song started playing and guests also joined us, pairing up and slow dancing.
"I don't know how to dance like this.." I muttered and tried not to step on his feet.
"It's okay, I don't know how either. Let's just try to avoid stepping on each other's toes." Lance laughed and looked down at me.
I giggled. "So, hows your life?" I asked, trying to make a conversation.
He shrugged. "Saving the universe, flying in a robot cat, having a party with aliens, and dancing with a beautiful girl? I'd say it's pretty great."
I blushed and avoided his eyes. "Does sound pretty fun."
"Which part, flying in a robot cat, or dancing with a beautiful girl?" He said and smirked.
"Stoooopppp," I mumbled and buried my head in his chest. I could almost hear him smile.
"Stop what?" Lance asked innocently.
"Never mind," I said quickly and looked up at him. "You're just being an idiot, like always."
Lance pretended to look offended. "How rude," he huffed and looked down at me, smiling.
I smiled back.
"Pidgeon, what's your real name?" He asked, sounding curious.
"Pretty name," he said.
All of a sudden, he kissed me. It only lasted a few seconds, but I felt like I was on top of the world. He pulled away and I buried my face in his chest once again.
"I told you to stop," I said and smiled into his chest.
"What, you didn't want that?" Lance asked, sounding slightly hurt.
"Actually, I did," I muttered and blushed even more than I was already. I must've looked like a tomato, I was so red.
We just stayed like that, swaying to the music. I never looked up at him, I just enjoyed his comfort.

What they didn't know, was that the other paladins, Allura and Coran were all watching from the other side of the dance floor.
"Pay up," Keith said to Hunk.

Hey! Hope you enjoyed :) tell me how you liked it!!!

The end was my favorite, lol. Keith and Hunk are totally the ones to bet on Pidge and Lance.

Word count: 1367

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