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So, you've hit rock bottem; No? Then What brings you here; curiosity? Well shit i guess thats good enough for me.

Hi my names Nijaya but i go by jay. Im just a girl trying her best not to fail at life. And while you might think im just some nerd on the internet think about why your here and take a good look in the mirror because whe might not be that different.

Im writing this to show people your not alone.
Im here to say "fuck you" to life and continue on what i hope to be a path to success.

I'm only a teen so i have a while to go untill ive actually lived, but untill then ill document every thing and work my way to the top. just dont expect much.

I'll update with several different things.

1.stories- ill sometimes write a chapter about something that has happened of some event.

2. World views- I'll also talk about things that have happened around me.

3. Motivations- ill talk about things that help keep me focused and ready to face the world when i wake up.

I hope you stick around for chapter 2.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2018 ⏰

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