Chapter 1

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The smell of roasted coffee beans complemented the hazy sunset accompanied by gorgeous shades of pink and orange in the sky.

From behind the window, Ayah praised the tall skyscrapers which towered over her small body which was sipping a hot coffee in a small, cozy cafe. she wrapped her hands around the warm mug and brought it to her face and inhaled the steam, releasing a relaxed and satisfied sigh.

People hustled about and rushed through the city, living about their own life. businessmen and women, families, cyclists, joggers and taxis caught Ayah's eye and she pondered and reflected on her life. She was a twenty-year-old girl who lived in an apartment with her roommate, is studying medicine and is in a relationship with a man she wasn't interested in. 

"Are you even listening to me?" the man opposite to her scoffs. He had been rambling on about work; the only topic he speaks about, that Ayah dozed off.  Although he was her boyfriend she didn't feel a connection with him and the bond they used to have had been broken ages ago after he caught him cheating on her.

Slightly irritated by his attitude, she nodded at him and continued to stare outside deep in thought. 

"Well just to let you know," he began, "I'll be flying to Spain for a month for  work-related purposes." Christian hesitated at the last part of the sentence and Ayah noticed this however she chose to ignore it. 

"Again? I thought you said last time would the final time."

He remained silent and she felt an unsettling feeling in the pit of her stomach, she couldn't help but suspect something. Its only work, Nothing else.

They sat in an awkward and tense silence. Christian scrolled through his social media and Ayah's mind kept floating to the thought of another woman being with her boyfriend. She didn't feel too worried about whether he cheated, yet relieved as it might give her a reason to break up with him. 

Which girl could it have been this time? Laura? Celaena? Do I have her STIs now? Can you catch STIs from holding hands? Syphilis can be caught through skin-to-skin contact... DO I HAVE SYPHILIS NOW? I'm going to have ugly rashes now and I'll need to buy penicillin to treat it and-

"Would you like the check, sir?" A very good looking waiter interrupted.

Ayah snapped out of her toxic thoughts and was hypnotised by the waiter who stood before her. He was tall, lean and extremely good-looking, his tanned face was framed by glasses and his toned, muscular arms were crossed over his uniform. 

Christian noticed the way his girlfriend looked at the man and coughed uncomfortably and glared at him with a deep and stern "Yes."

While the waiter left to bring the check Christian kicked Ayah underneath the table and brought her back to life and hissed, "Stop eye-perving at the waiter."

"I'm not," she snapped.

"Yes, you are."

"So what? Don't I get to enjoy some views? At least I don't cheat on my partner whenever I feel slightly attracted to a human."

Christian was taken back by her response and fumed with anger. "I don't cheat!"

Increasing her volume, she accused, "Oh yeah? Then give me proof that your trip to Spain is work-related." 


He began pulling his phone out of his pocket and searched for a contact. After dialling, he handed the phone to Ayah and told her to ask his worker.

Reluctantly she put the phone to her ear and on the third ring, someone answered.

"Hey baby," a woman from the other side greeted in a purr. "Calling for a repeat of last night?"

Ayah's heartbeat increased and she suddenly couldn't speak anymore. 

"I-Is this Sylvia?"

"Who's this? Where's Christian?"

Ayah knew exactly whose voice that is. It was the voice of a woman she once called a friend. She fidgeted with the phone as she attempted to press the end call but her nerves felt like they were all firing at once. She threw the phone toward her soon to be ex-boyfriend and he winced when the corner of the phone hit his lip.


Christain paled when he realised he had dialled the wrong person. 


"Ayah, I can explain-"

"NO. GET OUT!" She lifted him roughly from his seat and shoved him at the door. They had the entire cafe's attention but Ayah didn't care, she wanted him out of her sight and her life. 

After he agreed to leave, Ayah huffed and returned to her seat, slouching in the cushioned seat she replayed the scene in her head and began tearing up. Soon she was sobbing into her fluffy cardigan and hadn't realised she was the only customer left. 

"Miss, we're closing the store now," the waiter from before spoke. 

"I'm so sorry, can you just give me a couple minutes to recollect myself?"

He nodded sympathetically and offered her tissues from her series of tears.

The waiter escorted her to the door and waved as she left, with a soft smile on her face from his actions. 

As soon as she left he ripped off his waist apron and let a groan of disgust. Everyone he served today had a stick stuck in their behinds and he discovered that working undercover in this cafe was an extremely poor choice. All the smiles he had to give to customers hurt his cheek muscles and the pain was not worth their response. He was offered many phone numbers and received suggestive looks from all people; young, old, women and men. Chuckling, he laughed at their patheticness, no one will have his heart.

As he closed the store, he wondered why he didn't feel this irritation from the last girl who came in. It was something about her that made him soft for her, maybe the way she looked at him when he first went to her table. Her relationship status has been reassured after the argument she had which he thoroughly enjoyed and smirked throughout.

He also knew that her name was Ayah and this was all he needed to begin his mind tricks to steal her heart.




A/N: HEY FANGIRLS AND FANBOYS, I hope you enjoyed my first chapter and let me know what you think of each chapter.

this was initially supposed to be a Kim Namjoon(bias) fanfic, but Jungkook is my bias wrecker hence he has convinced me again to make him the spotlight. HOWEVER, I will be taking suggestions so if you have any...LET ME KNOW *inserts clip of the live performance of "Let me know"*

LET ME KNOW *inserts clip of the live performance of "Let me know"*

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Waiter or CEO? (JUNGKOOK FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now