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A/N I decided to update out of no where even though no one is probably reading this... Anyways LEZGETIT.

Jeon Jungkook POV

I slid on a cotton white shirt staring at the mirror in front of me.  Many hormonal girls fought over this body and fawned over it one got it. I sighed, I was a virgin, and I might as well die a virgin with the rules they set on teachers.

I sighed, recounting the events that happened in the morning and I felt myself burn with the longing to apologise to the poor boy, Park Jimin. However he was my student. 

Nothing more. 

Nothing else. 

Just another petty boy with a dream to become a model. 

I shook my head, hoping the aimless thoughts would stop lingering and I took one last glance in the mirror, trying to ruffle my hair and look less like Mr Jeon and more like Jeon Jungkook...

Nah, I was too used to my teacher facade, might as well keep it.


I stared at the source of noise, eyebrows furrowing as my phone glared with one new notification.

EOMMA KIM SEOKBIN: Yah, I'm going to the club and I don't want to look like a bloody loner so do you mind joining.

I rolled my eyes, Kim Seokjin, the most motherly figure in my life, as well as the one of the most popular models in the industry was afraid of being lonely. He could easily pick up tens of obsessed fangirls and fanboys on the road, but of course, he had to bother me.

GOLDENPIG: Can't go. It's my bloody first day at this place as a non trainee, and I can't wake up hungover like a piece of shit.

EOMMA KIM SEOKBIN: PLZZZZZZZZZZ, your friend is afraid he will get beaten up by those creepy af sasaengs, and that's why he needs a certain muscle kook to accompany him.

GOLDENPIG: I thought you worked out every day?????


GOLDENPIG: I can't believe you are and I quote " one of the most renowned and elegant models this century has had". Srlsy tho, how do you manage to not look like a pig at every photoshoot.

EOMMA KIM SEOKBIN: Genes honey, I was a bloody vampire in my last life. Jealous much?

GOLDENPIG: Like I could possibly be jealous of u.

EOMMA KIM SEOKBIN: Can u just come...The bartenders are giving out free ironman themed cocktails to the first 10 people who come there.


I whipped on my mask, sliding through some leather pants in a haphazard attempt to look decent enough to got to a club. I swung open the door of my house, rushing down the immaculate gardens, cursing when I realised I had left my favourite leather jacket at the SM building.

I sighed, and grabbed my phone.

GOLDENPIG: Yah Jinnie, I might be a while, so remember to save a cocktail for :)

EOMMASEOKBIN: Fiiiiiiine. *Dramatic sigh*. Just don't be too long, my stomach is dying of starvation. Kids these days.

I chuckled to myself, before juggling with my keys to my BMW, sliding in to the sleek car.

*30 Minutes Later*

I rolled in to the driveway of SM's building, the eerie quiet surroundings unnerving me. I was used to  the bustling and suffocating environment of the company as I never had been here after working hours.

I strided through the sliding doors, entering the dark reception. I fumbled with my ID card as I approached the elevator... what level was the studio again? I sighed exasperated, jabbing the elevator, pressing the first button I saw in sheer desperation.

However, as entering the elevator, all the pestering thoughts lingering in mind faded as a dusty rose shade tinted my cheeks as I realised this was the elevator I met that crying boy.

What was he crying about?

He never told me...

Clenching my jaw, I stepped outside the elevator, trudging down the dimly lit corridor. I looked at each door, every single one having a number engraved in a silver plaque.

They looked like dorms. 

I was about to turn around when all of a sudden I heard a sickening thud. A frail figure had collided in to me.

My eyes widened as I realised it was the new trainee.


I was half expecting a flustered reaction when I stupidly realised my mask was still on. However instead of taking it off, I toyed with the idea of leaving him in suspense for a bit longer.

A gust of icy wind from an open window brushed past his soft features, covering his bare arms in goosebumps and I curled my fists in anger.

Why was he running so late at night?

With barely any clothing he could of got a cold.

I tore off my mask, exposing my identity.

"Huuh!" Jimin gasped, a series of turbulent facial expressions spreading across his face.

Instead of warming him up, I glared at him, still perturbed by the fact he was practically begging for a cold.

"Hehehe." a soft chuckle escaped his lips. His plump lips.

"Why are you running down the dorm corridors so late at night huh? Are you so desperate for a cold? Are you feeling like giving up after this morning? You know life isn't all- " I paused.

Jimin was crying. Again.

"Yah, why are you always crying. Man up!" I snapped, trying to live up to my strict reputation as the strict selfish teacher.

Jimin gulped, his body  shaking all over and I gave up trying to be strict. It was freezing.

So instead of establishing my strict, non empathetic  personality, I softened my stance, stretching my hand as an act of helping him up, still keeping my stern expression.

Jimin stared at me in disbelief muttering out a feeble "S-sorry," before gently clasping his hands into mine.

"Don't be." I stated, trying to supress the small smile threatening to curl up on my lips.

Jimin's hands were small.

Adorable in all it's glory.

I felt myself chuckle slightly, and Jimin immediately drew his hand back, under the assumption I was making fun of him.

However, as my eyes drifted down his bare arm, they landed on his milky white wrists.

I saw red.

My breath hitched as I stared in horror at the sight in front of me.

A series of deep cuts were splattered across his wrists.

They were definitely not by accident.

A/N I just did that. No idea why. I just did.

Anyways, I know these few first chapters have seemed to drag and be extremely boring, but I am hoping for the modelling photoshoots to start happening in the next few chapters, as well as introducing a few more chapters...

Tabby Out

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2018 ⏰

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