The Lost Soul

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I walk down the pathway, feeling the cold air nag at me with every pacing step. The faster I walk, the more it seemed to catch up with me, being a constant reminder that there are some things in this world that you can't run away from. Unfortunately, I didn't need this right now.

I receive an odd stare from a boy, the boy. I glance back over my shoulder, feeling his eyes burn into the back of my skin. His gaze focused on me though I tried to shake it loose. Before when I saw him, it was like a sudden burst of happiness and joy. Now all I feel is sadness and remorse. Wanting to let go of someone, feeling like progress is being made and BAM! You're back to the beginning, as if any sign of progress can be washed away with one look.

I turned my head away, thinking of how unbearable it was to see him. I hear him call out my name, but my heels just pick up and I run faster and faster until the sound of his voice has faded away. Bringing me out of my daze and back to the world of reality.

There was a stillness in the air as I continued to walk. The boy I ran away from, was a friend. He was a really good guy, I didn't give as good as I got and now I regret it. I regret it everyday, failure is something I can accept, but the fact that I gave up on someone who would never have done that to me hurt me.

The worst part was I knew what I was doing to our friendship yet I continued destroying it until it destroyed me. He had this affect on me... like gravity. Always pulling me back to his orbit and keeping me aligned with the universe. Keeping me where I was.

Minutes turned into hours before I arrived at the school. Not my high school, but my primary school. The place that used to be the centre of the world now nothing but a distant memory. How I would love to go back to the days where happiness came easy and life was filled with innocence. But, unfortunately... I couldn't. I thought coming back here would help, but instead it's only deepened the void it was meant to mend and made me realise how bad life had become.

Suddenly an arm touched my skin unexpectedly, before I could comprehend what was happening the arms hugged me and kept me stable. I turned around and it was my friend. Why he was doing this remained on my mind but I knew better than to question his motives.

Like the way I felt, his grip on me was unstable. Only making me realise that I couldn't do this. I couldn't live my life with an unsteady hand but I also couldn't live my life with regret, it was impossible. A pretty face and a beautiful soul could never right the wrongs I had made. So, I freed myself from his grasp and just stared into his deep dark brown eyes. Not daring to move or say anything to interrupt this moment. I start to walk away but I realised I wasn't going to make the same mistake again so I gesture him to walk with me; a small smile playing on his mouth as he walks beside me.

Even though like his hand, life is unsteady it can catch or let go of you at times its always there. Even though the past will stay as history and the future will remain a mystery I'm just going to walk beside him. Free, just enjoying our time together. The cold air had disappeared, the sun started to emerge from behind the clouds and for the first time in a long while I felt life was going back to the way it was... Perfect.

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