Chapter 1

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Yuki's Pov 

I was walking  down the hall of Ouran trying to get to class 2-A.  I was looking at the signs and I was not paying atention because i walked stright into someone.

  "I'm soo sorry. I didn;t mean it.I was just looking for my class." I said  picking up the papers i dropped.  

"It's ok. So by the papers that means your new to our school?" he asked.

I looked up to see a blond boy with violet eyes smiling at me. I was an inch taller than him so I kind-of had to look down at him.

 "Yea. Do you know were class 2-A is?" i asked him.

 "Yea I'm on my way there. I'm Tamaki Suoh." Tamaki said

I followed him to a room with the sign saying 2-A. As soon as he opened the door girls surrounded him. I just walked over to the teacher and gave him my papers from the office. He keep trying to get the classes atention.

"Students we have a new student Ms. Mori." He said gestering for me to tell them my name.

"Hello. I'm Yuki Mori and it's nice to meet all of you." i said smiling.

"You can sit at the back of the class Ms. Mori." the teacher said

I nodded and headed to the back. I sat down and started taking notes. I took notes till I got up because  the rest of my classes are in 3-A. The teacher looked at me weird as i when to the door.

"Ms. Mori where are you going?" he asked

"If you saw my class list the rest of my classes are 3-A." i said no turning around.

"Oh. I see they are well them bye Ms." he said 

I walked out the door and walked to 3-A. Idont know how but i can make it there not getting lost but i get lost trying to get to my home room  I opened the door and the teacher smilied at me.

"Ahhh. Ms. Mori. You didn't get lost did you?" she asked

"No ma'ma. I just had to talk to my teacher." i said smiling at her

"Ok. Class this is the schools new student Ms. Yuki Mori. She is in class 2-A but the rest of her classes will be here with you." she said 

"Hello." i said tilting my head to the right smiling.

'Ms. Mori you can go sit by Mr. Morinozuka and Mr. Honeynozuka." she said sitting back down.

I walked over to Honey and Mori.  smiling and sat in between  them.

"Is it really you Yuki-chan?" Honey asked

"Yes Honey I'm back from America." i said  Honey then gave me a bear hug. When he let go i looked at Mori  and gave him a hug that he returned.

" Oh. Mr. Suoh said that i might get to graduate with you guys if i get my Science up to third year. so could you guys help me?" i asked

"Yea well help Yuki." Mori said.

"Yuki-chan you should come to our club. It's after school." Honey said

"I don't know Honey." i said 

"Please Yuki-chan we have cake." he said happly. 

"Do i get to eat it with you and Mori?" i asked

"Ofcores."He said 

"then I'll come just for you two.' I said starting to take my notes.

~~~~After school~~~~~~

I was walking down the hall to music room 3. I walked in to see the boys hosting. I saw Kyoya  sitting down typeing on his computer. I walked up to him and put my hands on his eyes under his glasses.

"Do you know who i am?" i asked

"No. can you get your hands off of my eyes?" he asked 

"No ." i said being stubern. 

He put his hands over my eyes and i felt my heart beat pick up. Like it always did when Kyoya tuchedd me .And that means I still like him. He moved my hands and got up to confrunt me . 

Kyoya's Pov

I was working on the host club's website when a pair of hands covered my eyes.

"Do you know who i am?" the person asked

"No.Can you get your hands off of my eyes?' i asked

"No." the perso said

I put my hands over the persons and moved the hands . I got up to confront . I turned around and saw my old friened Yuki Mori. Now wate if i think wasent that the name of the new girl in class and the girl Tamaki was going on about?

"Yuki?" i asked

"So you did guess my name right ." Yuki said

"Yea the same old Yuki. " i said sitting back down

She said down in front of me .

"Same old Kyoya." she said mocking me

Yuki's Pov

I sat down in front of Kyoya .

"Same old Kyoya." i said

He went back to work and i got lost in one of my thoughts.

What would happen if i didn't leave in middle school? Would we be closer or would we be the same like always. Having to be friends because our family's made us? I don't know or care anymore  I just wish he knew how much i care for him.

"Yuki-chan  are you ok? You are looking to space." honey said

"Huh.. oh yea I'm fine just thinking." i said getting up and grabbing my bag and putting in on.

"Yuki-chan i thought we were going to eat cake together." he said crying.

"Ok. Lets go eat some cake before the host club ends." i said

"Ok. but the host club already ended Yuki-chan. So what were you thinking about?" he asked as Mori got us some cake. 

"Just thinking what it would be like if i stayed in Japan instead of going to America." i said taking a bit out of my strawberry cake. "You didn't forget my favorite type of cake. That's sweet both of you.' i said smiling. The rest of the host club was staring at phone went off with Eminem "Cleanin' Out My Closet" I grabbed my phone and shut off my reminder. I got up." Sorry but i have to go. Bye Honey.Bye Mori. Bye Kyoya.Bye Tamaki. Bye Hikaru. Bye Kaoru. Bye Haruhi." i walked to the door and ran outside. I saw my butler Sebastian  waiting for me. I looked at him and ran to him crying. 

"Why did she have to die?" i asked in between sobs. " Come on i have to get home Elizabeth will be there soon." i said trying not to cry.

"Ok Ms. lets go home then." Sebastian  said 

I got in the limo and looked out the window to see Kyoya  and the rest of the host club just standing there. I smiled but tears still ran down my cheeks. I mouthed " See you tomorrow. Bye Host Club."  They all smiled and then Sebastian took off.

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