Lesson ❖ o1 ❖

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Lesson 1

Yamuraiha: Don't call her weak in any way, that majorly drives her up the wall.

Pisti: And also don't interfere during battle when you see she has everything under control.


As usual, the Sindrian bazaar was busy and crowded. Every time the merchant ships returned there was always a lot of pushing and shoving at the harbor before the merchandise and goods were brought to the market and put up for sale.

You were currently strolling around the streets, basket in hand, browsing the various booths and the products the sellers had to offer. You were mainly looking for food since you wanted to cook dinner for the King, the Generals and yourself this evening. Being very close friends with all of them, you held a high position within the palace.

Stopping in front of an apple store, you eyed the luscious red fruits for a few seconds. "Oh, if that isn't Lady [Name]. What a pleasant surprise to meet you here, would you like to buy some apples?" You directed your gaze up towards the source of the voice, only to see an elderly man standing in front of you. Despite the many wrinkles, his face was adorned by a gentle smile.

You gave him a small smile of your own. "Many thanks and indeed, I'd like to buy some apples."

After a short exchange of apples for gold coins you went on your merry way. Casting a glance into your now full basket, you pondered for a short moment. 'Now that I've got everything I need it wouldn't hurt to take a quick side-trip to the clothing stores. I could use some new casual gear.' Smiling, you turned into a side street, but before you even had a chance to take a step forward a short yet powerful quake almost made you topple over.

A startled murmur went through the crowd of people and shortly afterwards a gigantic serpentine creature raised its head out of the water, releasing an earsplitting roar. After uncovering your ears, your eyes immediately flickered towards the harbor where the scaled beast spat several water jets at the cottages of the inhabitants, destroying them in the process.

Furrowing your eyebrows, you heaved an annoyed sigh. 'Great, a Southern Creature. Just what we need now.'

"Lady [Name]!"

"Huh?" Turning around, you spotted one of the palace's attendants running towards you. He was easily recognizable due to Sindria's official clothing. Stopping in front of you, the middle-aged man propped his hands up on his knees to catch his breath. "Lady [Name], I've been searching for you. Are you alright?"

You nodded reassuringly. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine. But the people at the harbor need immediate help; I'll take care of that."

Just as you turned around, the attendant interjected; "But milady, shouldn't we wait until His Highness and the 8 Generals finish the Southern Creature off? It's too dangerous for you to fight against it on your own, you might even get killed."

Hearing those words, your shoulders twitched ever so slightly as you slowly turned your head towards the man. A menacing shadow was cast over your eyes as you twisted your mouth into a forced smile. The official recoiled at the sinister vibes you emitted. Okay, this was definitely a sensitive spot. "This time we won't need them. I will solely handle this beast without anyone's help.

"And now enough with the small talk. I'm off." With that said you carelessly tossed your basket at him before running off. The weight almost made the attendant stumble to the ground; just how much did you buy?! As he took a gander at the basket's content, his eyes widened to the size of saucers. Apples, watermelons, apricots, hot peppers, potatoes, mandarins, star fruits and a lot more.

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