His oxygen✗

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y/n's pov~

Jungkook's face falls as I utter my last words. I knew that one was tough and yet I found it amusing to see his jaw fall in disbelief.

"Why would you kiss anyway? You're not dating." Yoongi says and I glare at Jungkook.

"Tell him that." I say. "Okay fine. What if you want me to though?" Jungkook asked, his eyes meeting mine.

I laugh, taking a sip of my water. "Oh trust me, I won't." I say. From beside me, Jungkook huffs.

Right now he had let go of his scary exterior and was acting like a normal twenty-two year old.

It was definitely weird to see but I knew he was enjoying himself, even if he didn't admit it out loud.

"How can you be so sure of that? You liked it both times I've kissed you." Jungkook says and I shoot him a glare.

"Both times?! It was more than once?" Yoongi asked, his eyes wide. "I did not. You're just imagining things." I say, averting my eyes and ignoring Yoongi's questions.

"Yeah, we've kissed twice. She must find me attractive at least a little or else she wouldn't have let it happen at all." Jungkook says, getting cocky.

Both of them looked over at me now. "You don't seriously expect me to agree to that, do you?" I asked, looking between the two of them.

"He has a point though. You wouldn't let him kiss you twice if you didn't at least think he was the tiniest bit good looking. So do you?" Yoongi asks.

"I think a lot of people are attractive. The guys in the mafia are cute, Gong Ji-cheol is cute, hell, even Yoongi is attractive." I say, pointing out the obvious facts.

"So you're saying you would kiss them back if they kissed you?" Jungkook asked, his face unamused.

"Hell yeah!"

"Even me?" Yoongi asked, taken back. Before I could speak, Jungkook does. "Don't you dare even answer that."

I pull in my lips as I shrug and avert my gaze, my answer obvious. "Whatever. As long as you'll go on the date I promise I won't do anything." Jungkook then says.

I look over at him and sigh. "Alright, if I must." I say. That earns a giant grin from Jungkook.

"Great! We'll go tomorrow so make sure you're ready." He says and I nod and turn back to the plate of food in front of me and start to nibble at it.

I wasn't all that thrilled about going on this date but at least it would make Jungkook stop being an asshole and that sounded pretty damn good to me.


When we all got back to the house, Yoongi headed home, leaving just Jungkook and I like usual.

As soon as we got inside I started to make my way towards the stairs but not before being stopped by Jungkook.

"I have some things to take care of tomorrow morning so we can go when I get back. Make sure you are ready when I get home." Jungkook says, his voice calm.

"Okay, Goodnight." I say as I step up on the first stair. Jungkook's next words shock me. "Goodnight, sleep well."

I hadn't expected him to start being nice already. It felt strange. "You too." I mumble before jogging up the steps and disappearing into my bedroom.

Once I'm in the safety of my own room I sit down on my bed with a sigh. Tomorrow I would be going on a date with the leader of a mafia.

It didn't get crazier than that. I wouldn't be surprised if he took me to his see the grave of the first person he killed. Dark, I know.

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