The Photograph

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Worry lines creased Myra’s forehead as she entered the gym. "What am I going to do with Kerine?" she thought, glancing at her watch. The people passing by her seemed like a strange blur. "She doesn't think much before she speaks, and I just knew it would get her into trouble, sooner or later ..." Consumed with her thoughts, she walked unsteadily towards the female change rooms. Yolande met her at the door, almost tripping with excitement. “Myra, you'll never guess what just happened!” she squeaked. "What?" Myra sighed. Yolande paused, then shrugged. "Jeanette was going around choosing who she's gonna invite to her next slumber party," she bubbled. "I thought she was going to pass me by, as always ..but believe or not, you and I are both invited!"

Myra looked the girl in the eye for about two seconds, then brushed past her and headed for the lockers. Yolande followed behind, puzzled. “Are you okay, Mimi?” she asked, resting her hand lightly on the girl's shoulder. “Yeah. Just leave me alone,” Myra snapped, sticking a pencil between her teeth. She rummaged through for her gym clothes, and then turned around. "I need to get moving, girl." Yolande stepped to the side, allowing Myra to leave. Just as she reached the stall, Yolande darted in front of her, blocking the door. “Don’t do this to me,” she said, grasping Myra's shoulders. “You know I can’t just leave you alone like that.” Myra pried the girl’s hands away and forced a smile. “Oh yes, you can--this time. I’ll be okay. I just need to think for a while.” "About what?" Yolande demanded. "We're best friends, aren't we? You have to tell." "Even best friends need their space, sister," Myra observed. "Listen, go back to the gym. I'll be fine." Yolande’s arms fell to her side as Myra entered the stall. “Fine,” she muttered. “Keep me in the dark.”

She walked back into the gym and slouched on a bench. Hand in chin, she listened to the coach’s preliminary remarks, but soon became lost in thought. A light tap on her shoulder startled her back to reality. She looked up to a familiar face. “You’re finished with your warm-ups already?” she asked, a puzzled frown on her face. The six-footer nodded, and then joined her on the bench. Yolande thought he looked worried, though he was obviously trying to hide it. He doodled in the back of her notebook for a couple of minutes. "How about you?" he smiled, looking up from his art. "Did your group go up yet?" "No," the girl replied. "But I'm not doing it today anyway, 'cause I just had knee surgery, and the doctor says I should wait another week before I get more active on it." "Mm," he grunted. "Hope you recover real soon. I can just imagine how you're feeling." Yolande cracked a smile. "I feel great," she chuckled. "What's really on your mind, Kodak?"Keith smiled and leaned against the wall. "Women have an amazing sense of perception ..." he mused.

Suddenly, he leaned forward and looked in every direction. “Where's Kerine?" he asked, quietly. “I haven’t seen her since math, and she's not here.” “Since math?" Yolande exclaimed. "That’s a stretch. Where would she be during bio and chem?” “Well, Smyth sent her to the big office before his class started,” he explained. “But a meeting with Mr. Larry shouldn’t take so long, even if she was being a...”  “Yeah, yeah..." Yolande interrupted, her face flushing. "Let's avoid the 'colourful' terminology, shall we Keith?" "Okay Yola ...but come off it," Keith laughed, nudging her gently. "You're no saint either, so don't play Holy Jane... Besides, you know it's true. Kerry is sugar deep down inside, but she can really spit steel and metal." Yolande twitched slightly. "So, um ...Smyth finally got fed up with her, huh?” she sighed. “Yes ...apparently,” Keith agreed, “Maybe she got suspended." "That would explain why she's missed three classes and isn't anywhere in this gym," the girl observed.

She glanced over at Keith, who seemed lost in thought. Glancing back at Yolande, he swallowed hard. Beads of sweat stood out on his brow as he opened and closed his mouth several times. "Uh ... can you give me her number?” he finally blurted out. "I really need to call her, and her number's changed." Yolande glanced at the coach, hoping for an escape route. He was still making opening statements, for anyone who cared to listen. Staring at her fingernails, she looked up and then down. “Yeah ...I have it... but it's private. Can't give it out.” Keith’s winsome smile faded into a confused frown. “Since when has Kerry made her cell private to classmates, Yolande?” “I d-don’t know...” the girl stammered. "Stop the foolishness," Keith declared. "That's not something she'd keep you in the dark about." "How do you know that?" Yolande shot back. Keith smirked and put his hands behind his head. "Well ...considering that you have this 'private' number..." he began. Sitting up, he looked the girl straight in the eyes. "Listen...maybe I'm not the brightest spark around, sister, but I'm not stupid, okay?" "Keith...look. I'm not saying you're stupid," Yolande explained. "I just can’t give out the number, alright? Kerine says it's private, so I have to respect her wishes...” “It’s not private anything,” Keith mused, his face darkening. “She told you not to give it to me. Me! Keith Jensen. Right?”

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