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Nicole pov

It's been a week since I was at shortys with Waverly and I still could text her because I was really busy with my job. I really wanted to text her tho...I was thinking about her the whole time... Suddenly she walks into the police station and goes in my direction

"hey" a familiar voice said . When I looked up from my computer I saw her... The probably most beautiful girl I've ever seen

"heyy... What's up?" I said almost losing my breath

"I just brought you some donuts ... I mean you haven't texted me yet so I wanted to make sure you're still alive" she chuckled and handed me a small bag with donuts

"oh... Thanks... I .. Yeah Its just been pretty busy... So.. As excuse for not texting you the last week how about we go watch a movie at my place when I'm done here?" I looked up to waverly and smiled

"yeah sounds good" she did it again... She put on that beautiful smile...

"okay ill hurry then " I laughed and felt a little bit heat in my cheeks ... I hope she doesn't notice me blushing...


After work

Nicole: Hey waverly it's Nicole I'm done with my work now. I'll come and pick you up and then we go to my place?

I was really nervous waiting for her to text back... I really like her.

Waves<3: Sure just come pick me up at the earp farm. I live there with my sister ;)

Nicole: I'll be there in about 10 minutes :)

I got in my car and drove to the earp farm. I knocked at the door and a brunette holding a bottle of whiskey opens the door "you must be Nicole. I'm wynonna .... Waverlys sister "

"nice to meet you" I said

"come in waverly will be ready in about 5 mins"

So that's waverlys sister... She's really nice ... I bet she cares a lot about waverly

"I'm ready!" Waverly said walking downstairs.

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