1. Some things never change

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"Vigilante!" Brigettine shouted into the ear of the masked man in front of him. "You're so glad Lee and I erased the camera trail of you getting back here! Otherwise we would all been caught!" The black figure grunted at the girl, with her black hair in a perfectly combed ponytail and her glasses sitting exactly parallel on her small nose. The girl stood angrily at the masked black figure in front of him. "You're right. Thank you for covering me. Now, let's get to debrief." The figure replied and pulled down his black mask, revealing the face of a slim 16 year old. He tested the weight of his metal baton before wiping the tell tale sign of blood of it, wiping the crimson liquid on his matt black coat and then retracted the baton into a small metal cylinder, not even disinquishable from a pen.

He slowly took off the black coat, revealing his bright blue school shirt and navy tie, unscaved from the horror that occured only moments ago. The black trousers when removed revealed grey school pants, not different from the ones worn by the truants out in the field. These clothes were stashed into a rubbish bag and thrown into a corner of the dusty, unloved and unused classroom. The chorkboard's faded date stated "20th December, 1999", far long ago, seeing that most of them would be barely able to crawl at that time and the 70s era tables still held the scars of a time where school corperal punishment was legal, and common. And the six young people in this room were the ones to restart this cruel yet fair punishment.

In a corner, with his eyes glued to the screen of a laptop was Lee. A highly observant person, he always is watching his mark. That's why he's called "Looker", no one can escape his sight. Whether peeping though the school's surprisingly unprotected security cameras or watching with a pair of binoculars from the other side of the school, or even simply watching you as you pass him to your next period, he will know and record every single detail of your activities. Staring at the figure's entrance was the muscular yet not overly bulky Declan. Teased for his strong Irish accent and ginger hair yet admired for his running ability, Declan is the sporting person of the six. If a target tried to run, climb or fight his way out of them, he'll be the one to throw a dagger at his head. No person can outrun "Sprint" for long.

As the "Vigilante" walked to the front of the dead classroom, he peered over in the corner, where by the class sink, a girl smiled comfortingly at him. Her name was Louise, but she would rather be called "Lulu". Although thought to be just an average student, her father's occupation as a chemical engineer taught her the dangerous pastime of making poisons, tear-gas and other chemical hazards, which became her namesake, "Hazard". Her gold/brown hair glistens in the dusty light of the room gives the normally uneasy "Vigilante" a sense of ease. Near the front was Federico, a classic example of the lean, north Italian youth, loving his soccer and his mates. But, Federico was an outcast, and he was peer-pressured to the school's "in-group" because of his "mad soccer skills". They think of Fed as a rebel, but Federico thinks of them as idiots, attempting to turn him into a monster. He vowed to destory them, hence his name, "Recker".

The uneasy figure sighed and stood in front of his mottled group of misfits. All have been affected by the bullies, all are out for revenge, but none so more than the "Vigilante" himself. "So, Scott, what's the debrief on today?" Declan inquired the thin 16 year old youth.

"Rather you call me by my callsign." he replied bitterly.

"So what, Scott? We're all friends right?" Declan said, repeating the negative tone of Scott.

"Not to me." Scott answered, with discontent in Declan's words. Scott Peirs was a loner. As quiet as a mouse, if not, quieter. Never speaks a word to people, not even his teachers. The only thing that awakens his powerful yet fair voice is his undying passion. To be the "Vigilante". Scott moved his hands through his sweaty, light brown hair. His past, he never tells, his future uncertain but his present is filled with one single motive. Destroy, demoralize and eliminate the bullies, the predators, the puppeteering rulers of the school ground. The ones who call themselves the Pegasi.

"So-" Scott started before being cut off by the school bell. The 3rd period has ended and the 4th was due to begin. Scott, Declan, Federico and Lulu grabbed their bags and headed off to their respective clases. Lee, who was, according to the school, "sick" stayed hidden inside the unused classrom. Bree grabbed rubbish bag full of clothes and tapped Scott on the shoulder before he left the room. "I got Food Tec now. I'll dump this stuff in the furnace before class."

"Don't get caught..." he replied, brushing Bree off and heading for his History class.

"Scott," Bree grabbed Scott's shirt. "Can we speak, at lunch time? Privately?"

"Usual place. Trees behind the hill. Be there sharpish." He nodded and walked off, merging into the crowd of slutty girls and macho boys that made up Stratos Boarder College.

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So, this is a pre-view of the first chaper. See what you think of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2014 ⏰

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