ⓟart 13: Taki Taki

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*after the championship game which we won!*
Cameron's POV:

I can't believe it. My life has been a lie.

13 hours ago

After getting another drink and endless cheers, we congratulate the whole football team, especially my boyfriend. Immediately seeing him, I wrapped my arm around his neck and my legs around his waist with his support holding me. "I did it. I won just for you." He whispers. I smiled and gave him a long kiss. His team began teasing us in a joking way.

"Okay everybody come to my after party!" Brent cheers. And everyone goes to their designated cars.


It doesn't take too long to get the party started as cars began filling the drive way and the music booming throughout the house. Right now, I'm holding a red cup, gathered around by Scott, Megan, and sadly Sherry. Mostly it was us three talking and Sherry looked like she rather be hanging out somewhere else. "Do you think they have crystal water here?" Sherry asked.

"Why are you drinking water at a party?" Scott asked.

"It's none of your business. I'll go look." And then she left. Thankfully.

I raised my cup and cheered, "Well, cheers to my boyfriend Scott for taking the championship cup home. You're a talented player."

We clinked our plastic cups. And received a loud full of cheers. Everything was going well until the play my favorite song, Taki Taki.

"OMG THEY'RE PLAYING MY SONG! LETS DANCE OUR ASSES OFF!" I pulled Megan and Scott's wrist and into the dance floor. I don't know how drunk I am, but I was dancing like it was no one's business. I was in between Megan and Scott and grinding against Scott's...you know what I mean. Megan said, "I'm gonna get more drink."

Scott said, "Same here. I'll follow you." Not wanting to follow them, I stayed and danced alone. My visions were getting a bit hazy due to a lot of drink, but I still wanted to dance. Who knows how many minutes later, I had the urge to pee. I've bumped many people, spilling my liquor on other people. I walked up the stairs and opened the first door. Empty.

Second door. Empty.

Third door. Empty.

Fourth door. Bingo!

I relieved myself and washed my hands and face. I look at the mirror and fix myself up a little. Tonight will be the night I'll lose my virginity to Scott. I made a promise to him I'll lose it to him if he wins the championship game. I guess he was a bit eager to get this milkshake. I exited the bathroom to get another drink.

I entered the kitchen and poured myself one. Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around to see Dominic. "Hey stranger."

"Hello to you too."

I asked, "Why didn't you tell me you're the captain of my rival school?"

"I didn't think it was that important. Anyways, want a drink? I'll pay." He smile in the corner of his lips.

I laughed. "I'm pretty sure the drinks are free. And if you're blind, I have a drink already. But thank you. It's nice to know chilvary ain't dead yet."

He smiled and asked, "So, where's that lucky boyfriend of yours?"

I looked around with no sign of him. "Um. He was getting a drink so he's probably looking for me. I'm so sorry I have to go. See you soon?"

"That's a promise." He smirked and left.

After that conversation, I looked in the living room, outside, the backyard, the pool, everywhere

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After that conversation, I looked in the living room, outside, the backyard, the pool, everywhere. That's weird because his car is still here. I went to check the bathroom. Nada. I'll ask other people until I hear a moan from a room. Please tell me it's someone else.

Hesitantly, I touched the doorknob and twisted it. The first thing I see is lip locking.


"What the hell? Get out! Occupied!" The guy said. Not wanting to see more heterosexual interaction, I closed the door. Moans began and it's my cue to leave. I went outside next to his car and tried calling him. RRRIIIINNNNGGG!!

I can hear a ringtone behind me?

I turned around and saw the most heartbreaking scene.

Scott. And. Megan. Having. Sex. In. His. Car.

"Just ignore it." Scott said. And continued kissing her. Fueled with anger, I grabbed a big rock next to me and slammed it on his hood which made a dent. That certainly go their attention. They look at the sound of the noise and saw me. Dread filled their face.

"You stupid bitches." I said.

I started walking away immediately wanting to go home and cry. I heard the door opened and footsteps coming near me. "Cameron let me explain!" Scott pleaded. I turned around and gave him the world's biggest bitch slap across his face.

"I don't want to hear pathetic excuses from you! From the both of you!" I yelled.

I looked at Megan and asked, "Were you pretending to be my friend? Huh? Did you want Scott? Cause if you did, then you can have him!"

One last time I looked at Scott and said, "Thank god I didn't have sex with you." Giving them a mean glare, I walked away. With a trail of my broken heart pieces behind me.


I have no energy left to run into the house because it started to pour rain hard. As my clothes drench my clothes, my dried tears mixed up with the rain, I entered the house. Already knowing my mom's not here to comfort me because of her night shift, I got out of my wet clothes and showered so I don't get sick. I entered my mom's room to lay in her bed, suddenly wanting her scent to comfort me, but an opened box was there filled with documents and pictures. Curiosity killed the cat, I peeked through it and I saw my birth certificate and pictures of me when I was little. I smiled, reminiscing those memories. Those were good times. Underneath everything, something quickly caught me eye.

Another birth certificate??

Adoption papers??

I looked at both of them and addresses to a name Chandler Andrews.

He's the same age as me, has the same birthday as me, and has similar features of me

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He's the same age as me, has the same birthday as me, and has similar features of me.

Only one thing comes to mind. He's my twin brother.


Getting too many headaches for many secrets coming out, I went out to drink my pain away. I paid a guy to buy liquor for me and I didn't waste time to drink. Upon finishing the bottle, I hear a familiar motorcycle.


I think you guys know who that is *smirks*


And Cameron has a twin brother? WHHHAAAaaaaa

Anywhore, I finished all the chapters but I am working on some other books that I'll think you'll like.


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