ⓟart 15: Start Of Something New

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Cameron's POV:

The next day was school day. I ignored my mother this morning and walked to school. I see Scott with his arms wrapped around Megan and I continued to ignore them too. I went to my locker to get my stuffs ready for class until I see someone stopped next to my locker. I closed the locker and I see Sherry. She said, "Sorry. I've heard what happened. I thought he would be the one for you."

"Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything wrong."

"Actually, I kind of sabotage your date with him the other time." Before I could say something to her, she says, "I know that was wrong of me, but I've realized he's an idiot. Clearly, anyone will see you're better than that slut Megan." I smiled, missing our friendship.

"Thanks. That really means a lot. Especially when it comes from you."

"Whatever loser. Lets walk together." She says and I kindly agree to that proposition. We started catching up on things and she even ignored Bea and the gang. We even passed by Megan and Scott.

"Boyfriend" I said.

"Stealer" she finished.

We looked at each other and started to laugh. Megan heard us and said, "What did you just say?"

Sherry said, "Bitch please. Don't act all innocent with that facade. I knew I smelled a backstabber when you entered this school."

"Oh so are you now his friend?" Megan taunted.

"She is." I replied. "I hope you gave him STD or vice versa. I don't care. Just to let you know, he takes pills to enlarge his dick. And to think I was gonna it on with."

All the crowd laughs and Megan's eyes open wide made me laugh. I turned around and high five Sherry. She wraps her arm around my shoulders and gave them the final finger.


I sat at my table without anyone. Megan and Scott with his football team. I hear heels coming my way and I look up to see Sherry with her tray. "Hey. Thought you could use the company." She sets her tray down and sat next to me.

Confused why she was like this so I asked her, "Why are being nice to me all of a sudden?"

She stopped what she was doing and said, "I had a recent self discovery and it says to forgive those that are meant to be forgiven. I wanted to become a better person, who I was before so who knew me as a better person than you."

"Thank you. You have no idea how much I miss you. And what to tell you!" I start to tell her what's going on with my life. Even the incident at the party many years ago. Even my twin brother.

"Wait. Why didn't you tell me you were raped!"

"I couldn't. The way you looked, it pained me the way your facial reaction was. I figured you didn't want to talk to me, so I kept quiet." She held my hand.

"I'm sorry. About everything. You didn't deserve all the things I did for you. I'm here from now own. 24/7, I'll be there even if I have to sleep your closet." I laughed and embrace the comfort. "And why didn't you tell me you have a twin brother!"

"Girl please. I've just found out recently. Anyways, Ethan is taking me to meet with him, do you want to come with?"

She looks at me with shock and said, "Are you sure you want me to come?"

"There's no one is rather be with right now."

"Let me see the picture." I handed her the picture.

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