Eⓟilogue: How It Ends

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*Holds in my tears*

Cameron's POV:

Gosh. Who knew studying to become a psychologist is hard?!

I am now in my second year in University of Maine and let me tell you: it has been a roller coaster ride.

When I first came here, I immediately became friends with my roommate, Brian. He gave me a tour of the campus and met his friends. I've made some friends on my own, but nothing compared to the ones back at home.

As for my love life, I'm not interested in a relationship, nor a one-night-stands. Sure, I've received some phone numbers and flirtations from other guys, but none interests me. All my time here, I stay in the library and focusing on upcoming finals.

My other friends?

Courtney and Xenoma finally got married, which I attended. They sent me pictures of themselves with Xenoma in a army uniform and Courtney wrapping her arms around her, both smiling perfectly.

Eva and Jackson send me postcards of them smiling in front of the Paul Revere statue.

Chandler finally proposed to Sherry, who'd gladly accepts and Baby Meadow finally says her first word and started walking. Now, they're fighting who make me their best man/maid of honor.

My family?

My mother found the love of her life at work, and is traveling around the world with him.

My foes?

Scott and Megan are expecting a baby and an engagement soon.

My enemies?


That's about it. I guess.

Anyways, right now I'm studying for the upcoming finals for psychology. Almost falling asleep on my arm, I look at my watch that displays 11:45 pm. Silently cursing myself, I packed my books and pencils inside my bag and left the library.

It is a cold night with no one in sight. As I started to walk to my dorm, I drop the keys that I was getting in my bag. Rolling my eyes, I bend down, only for someone to grab it on the ground before me.

"Cute keychain. I remember giving this to somebody before." A familiar voice told me.

It couldn't be.

I thought he was long gone.

I look up with tears forming in my eyes and I whispered, "Thomas?"

I look up with tears forming in my eyes and I whispered, "Thomas?"

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Here in the flesh, is my ex-friend and rapist. He still looks the same: Black hair tousled upwards, pierced ears, piercing eyes, lips that'll whisper you lies, and an aura that screams danger.

I said, "What are you doing here?"

He chuckled and responds, "I just recently transferred. Miss me?"

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