11:00 am
🏠 At Nicole house 🏠
Nicole: Asia WAKE UP!!!! Roc and Princeton are coming
Asia: - snoring very loud -
Nicole: - runs upstairs to Asia's room -
You got to be kidding me
Asia: - still sleeping , then starts talking in her sleep -
Nicole: oh I got an idea - kicks the side of her bed -
Asia: Ayyyyyye *falls off the bed* why did you do that ?
Nicole: Girl this is my house , anyway roc and princeton are on their way here
Asia: What time is it ?
Nicole: 11:05
Asia: Oh no - gets up and runs to the bathroom -
Nicole: - walks over to the closet , pulls out her clothes and knocks on the door , then hands her the clothes - you're welcome
Nicole P. O. V
I can't wait to see my baby , I have a special surprize for him and he's going to really like it . As for Asia and Princeton ; I'm going to good give them two tickets to Jamaica also two tickets flying first class and in the couple suite , leaving me and roc alone 💘👄