Change Side

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Kim Yoona's POV

Well, afer that incident, we got sudden called from my parents.

"What's wrong, aunty?" Daniel asked.

"Come here. Let's answer this video call" My mom said.

"Hello, Light Academy. And my love.(as he throw a flying kiss😘) I want to introduce you to our new member. Come here" Jungkook said.

"Hi!!" they said.

It's I.O.I . Well, non of us is shocked. Someone like them deserves there.

And I want vomit when he give me a flying kiss. So disgusting.

"I just burn your locker and you change side. Well, I should do that earlier" I said. Savagely.

The others just cracked. Even my parents. They try their best to hold their laugh in this serious situation.

"So, more people come to us" Jin said.

"But, we have more people than you" Jihoon said.

"Hi darling" Somi said to Jihoon.

"Who's your darling, bitch?!" Jihoon asked.

"Just wait. There will be more people joining us and you will become out numbered" Jungkook said.

"Let's see then" I said.

Then I ended the call.

"What should we do?" Guanlin asked.

"Let's practice more with little amount of people and combined our powers. So we can prepare for that invade it happened" I said.

"Let choose our best warriors" Jisung said.

"No" Daniel and me said in unison.

We looked at each other as we knew we had the same idea.

"Let's choose the people who sincere to risked their lives without any rewards" Daniel said.

"Why?" Guanlin asked.

"Cause their might be more spy here" Seojung said.

"Then, we need to question them one by one" Hanna said.

"But we have more than 5 000 of warriors, 1 000 students minus I.O.I, 500 teachers, 225 employees and 101 cleaners" Daehwi whined.

"Let's divided into us. There's 11 member of Wanna One, 5 member of Elements and our parents which is 46 of us" I said.
"And there's 6 793 of people in this academy minus our parents" Daniel said.

"So, it's means we will take 147 each" I said.

"Whoever finished first will get that extra 1 person" Daniel said as he went to my back.

"Let's prepare the room for tomorrow and we will start tomorrow morning" my dad said.

Then, we start to prepare our room to questions the people.

Another chapter 😃


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