Chapter 6

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*2 months later*

They were all doing homework in the living room of the girls apartment when there was a knock on the door. Nat got up and answered it when they heard "We are looking for a Preslynn Hayden Blakely." 

Hayden got up and said "That's me." 

They walked in and Bucky seen the military uniforms and he got up and walked over to her and interlaced his fingers with hers and the guy said "I'm Col. John Baker Ms Blakely I have come to inform you that your dad Sgt Major Brett Blakely will not be returning home. His whole unit was killed over the weekend we are very sorry for your loss." 

She squeezed Bucky's hands and he whispered "Shh baby it's alright I'm right here." 

They were about to walk out and Nat said "It's a good thing Barnes knows all about military too Hayden." 

"Wait did you say Barnes we are suppose to be looking for  a James B. Barnes we went by his dorm but nobody was there." The guy said

"I'm James B Barnes." Bucky said as he swallowed hard.

"We um also have the same news for you as your girlfriend it seems both of your dads were in the same unit. We are very sorry Mr Barnes we have already let your mom's live in nurse know." the guy said

"ANd my sister too." He said

"We haven't informed her yet." the guy said

"Let me tell my sister please." he said 

"Yes Mr Barnes." the guy said

They both stood there in shock and he let go of her hands and said "I have to go Hayden ok I'll be back." 

"Buck.." Nat said 

"I have to go I have things I have to do." He said as he slammed the door. 

Hayden went to her room and slammed the door. She went out on the balcony part of her room and cried she didn't care that it was snowing and she didn't have on a coat. She ignored her phone as her sister called her and her mom tried to call her. Bucky went to his sister's house and told her the news and they went together to see their mom who was suffering from Alzheimers so she wasn't lucid enough to understand the news. Hayden cried herself to sleep on her balcony couch. 

Wanda came in to check on her and found her outside and had Clint carry her in and got her warmed up as she continued to sleep. Bucky didn't show up for classes the next day or the day after that he pushed everyone away including Hayden. Hayden just stayed in her room and kept the door locked she wanted to be left alone all she wanted was her boyfriend and he was no where to be found. 

A few days after the funeral services were over Hayden was outside on her balcony wiping tears she was pretty sure that her and Bucky were over he hadn't spoken to her in 2 weeks never came to see if she was ok dealing with the lost of her dad too. 

"Hayden" he said as he came out of her bedroom.

"Oh look who it is" she said as she looked down 

He said "I deserve that I know I'm sorry."

She couldn't look at him and she said "If you didn't want to be with me anymore you could of just said that instead of pushing me away." 

"Baby no I just um I had to figure stuff out for my mom with my sister." he said as he walked closer to her.

"You know I had to sit at the funeral by myself with my grandma no one else in my family bothered to show up not even my sister Buck. I had a man give me a flag and it isn't the first military funeral I have had to sit through I had to sit through my older brother's a year ago." she said with tears.

"Baby I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you I just a long time ago my dad made me promise him that if anything was to happen to him I had to make sure my mom's health affairs were in order. I had to put my mom in a home Hayden she couldn't attend the funeral cause she isn't lucid she has alzheimers has had for 3 years now she doesn't know who I am or my sister. I basically lost both of my parents in the same damn week so I am sorry that I pushed you away when you needed me too." he said 

"Why didn't you atleast pick up the phone Bucky and tell me this." she said

"Because I wasn't the only one in this relationship that was pushing people away you pushed me too I tried to call you several times to check on you but I was getting ignored too." he said 

She looked down and said "Cause I was afraid to answer the phone I was afraid that you were pocket dialing me."

"Hayden baby please stop making me pay for his mistakes I would never cheat on you I would never hit you or be controlling." he said 

He walked over to her and he said "baby I am so sorry that I hurt you I really am. I know I should of been here for you too I know you needed me too but I had things that I had to take care of. I promise baby I was being faithful to you even if it felt like you breaking up with me I remained faithful." as he cupped her cheek. 

"Buck I um I'm so scared that I have no family but my grandma that my outburst at my birthday party caused them to not be here for me I was all alone and all I wanted was you to make it all go away." she said 

He kissed her and whispered "I'm here now baby." as they started to kissed as he pulled her closer to him and he walked backwards as they went into her bedroom and started to strip down and he laid her down and climbed on top of her as he continued to kiss her and pushed into her and popped her cherry and started to move in and out of her. She let go of her orgasm as her eyes rolled and whispered "oh god baby.." 

"Mm god baby.. you were made just for me" he whispered as he got faster and she started to have another one that made her arch her back as he kissed her and he rolled them to where she was on top of him and he showed her how to move and then he whispered "Yeah baby just like that oh god yes... mmm Hayden baby doll fuck yes faster baby." 

She started to get faster as she let go of another orgasm and he raised up and kissed her as he laid her back down as he put both of their hands above her head as he continued to kiss her and move in and out of her then he started to pick up the pace and he whispered "oh god mmm baby.. come one more time for me." 

She let go one last time and he spilled into her "Fuck baby oh god yes mmm" as he pumped into her. He rolled off of her once he was done and he let out a breath and said "God that felt great baby I'm sorry I know I said it would be special and everything but I needed that and I know you did too." 

"Wow.. oh god that was amazing baby." she whispered. 

He looked over at her and he kissed her and whispered "I love you baby all I thought about was how much being away from you that long was how much I missed you and how much I needed to talk to you so I could tell you that I love you baby." 

She said "I love you too." 

They kissed again and he said "God I've missed these lips and these green eyes baby." 

She smiled and said "I have missed you too baby." as she kissed him. 

That night they went out for what was a late Valentine's day dinner where he bought her a dozen red roses and her favorite candy and had more make up sex. 

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