Chapter 5

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I ran downstairs to the dinner table. I sat at my usual spot next to Hermione and George. I tried to act as normal as possible. It was kind as hard when you keep imaging your brother getting a bucket of spiders poured on his head. Honestly I don't know how Fred and George can pull pranks so well.

I tried eating as slow as possible, but I really hated what we were having and all I really wanted to do was get a move on with the prank. (We were having chicken pot pie by the way.) Unfortunately for me Ron loves chicken pot pie, so he would take even longer to eat than usual.

One by one people left the table until it was only Ron, Harry, Hermione, and I. At last I checked my wrist watch and the time was 8:15. I got up from the table, grabbing my plate as I left. I put my plate next to the sink.

As I left through the front door, I tripped right in front of Harry Potter. Yeah. Smooth. I know. It's not like he ever pays any attention to me anyway.

When I got to the back yard I saw Travis, Connor, and another boy that I didn't know.

“This is Charles Beckendorf." Travis explained. “He was just here to help build the trigger." I couldn't really tell what Charles looked like because it was dark outside although, he was kind of tall and buff.

“Okay. Well it's 8:30, so you guys better go hide. I'm getting Ron," I told the boys.

I ran inside. “Ron! Ron!" I half screamed. “There's something under your window! Come look!"

“Alright. Alright," Ron said. “I'm coming."

“Do you want us to come also?" Harry asked.

“Nah. It's okay." Ron answered.

I lead Ron right next to the trap. “Is upwards," I lied. Ron looked up more, standing about a half inch away from the trigger.

“Maybe you'll get a better view if you move up a bit," I suggested. Ron took my suggestion and stepped right on the trigger. I watched spiders fall on top of Ron.

“AHHHH!" Ron screamed with horror. He did a little jig to try and get the spiders off of himself. I laughed. It felt good to get my revenge.

Ron stormed over next to me. “You did this, Ginny! You tricked me into thinking there was something out here so you could dump spiders on my head!" Ron ranted some more and soon my whole family was out side.

“Nice one Ginny," I heard Fred and George's proud voices. Harry had a slight smirk on his face. Percy, Mum, Dad, and Hermione all looked appalled though.

I saw no sign of The Stoll brothers. Only I got in trouble. I was still proud of myself though. Maybe, just maybe, Ron would lay off me for a while.

All rights and names to these characters goes to J.K. Rowling and Rick Riordan.

I hope you enjoyed! There should be one last chapter after this.

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