chapter 7

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McKenna, i hadn't heard that name

for a long time. I turn around and told

him McKenna may be my blood but i

dont Consider her my cousin

that How you know so much about

me?Im so gonna kill her. Im done

here You have no right meddling in

my life And im doing nothing for you

do you hear me. He smiles he just

smiles i think hes a psychopath. Im

done here. As I got home i heated a

pizza and went up to my room furious

but Confused i didnt even hear what

he Had to say but why me. Why does

he have to meddle in my life i havent

Even known him a week. I decided to

Get out my instrument to play. I layed

Out my sheet music facing the

window to see the starry night and let

the music Take me away. There i let

out all my emotions This is the

only way i Could relieve stress the

only way to cope my only way out and

from the reflection of the window

im facing i saw Michael leaning on

On my door and i froze. All i could do

Was watch as he slowly walked into

My room and sat at the edge of my

bed. I finally snapped out of my trance

And said why are you here and how

do you know where i live?

It was actually easy since you had

Your earphones on you were so

Oblivious that a car was following you

What do you want my aunt would

Kill us if she saw you here. Ok im

Gonna explain why i have shown

Interest in you. I need your help with

Something and your the perfect

Person to help me.

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