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k.sj :

"Namjoonie~?", I called for my boyfriend. He turned around to look at me and when he realized who it was he smiled, revealing his cute dimples that I would kill for. I leaned on the door frame with a smile on my face. "What are you doooing?", I asked teasingly. "Setting the table, I'll be careful this time.", He chuckled and rolled his eyes. I couldn't help but laugh a bit too.

I nodded for him to continue and went back into the kitchen to finish making my home made sushi I was trying to make for the first time. I was topping the rice off with fish when I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist. I turned to look at Namjoon leaning on my shoulder with the support of his chin. "Do you know what I love about you?", He whispered into my right ear. His lips brushed against my ear a bit and made my skin rise with goosebumps from his gentle, yet seductive voice.

"What?", I turned to look at him with a smile. "Everything; your broad shoulders, your amazing jokes, your windshield laugh, your eyes, your hair (every single strand), your nose, your cheeks, your humor, you're sweet and kind and gentle, your sassy attitude and your plump lips.", Namjoon listed and turned me around.

He kissed me passionately. I forgot about what  I was doing before this surprise and let myself enjoy Namjoon's lips on mine. Best brake I've had in awhile.

"Ahem!", We heard someone cough, interrupting our blissful moment. It was Jimin. I pulled away from Namjoon and he looked at me with sad puppy eyes. "Don't think we won't continue later!", I winked and let go of Namjoon's shoulders.

"Yeah?", I asked Jimin. "Where are the bathrooms?", He scratched the back of his neck nervously. "You can use the kitchen's bathroom.", I smiled and nodded towards the bathroom door. Jimin thanked me while he bowed and left the room.

Silence filled the room as the sound of Jimin's footsteps died down. "Where were we?", Namjoon asked curiously and grabbed onto my waist by surprise. I smiled between the kisses and couldn't stop.

I'm the luckiest man alive to have someone like Namjoon in my life. He makes me smile more than any of the best dad jokes in the world and can turn a bad day around just like that to being a great day, just by being close to me.

He turned my life right side up when it was upside down. Without him I'd be bullying someone in school. He saved me and those kids.

I often felt lonely without Namjoon, Jisoo or Taehyung, so having any kind of bonding or free time (or in Namjoon's case, kisses) always made me feel whole and less lonely. It sounds clingy, but that's just how I feel. And I can't seem to help myself.

You might think that I'm use to being alone after 18 years of my parents absence, but it's the exact opposite. Why do you think I got sugar gliders in the first place?

I mean they are cute and I love them, but they're also my company when I get lonely. Yes I have my helpers, but they'll just talk about adult stuff and try to help me, which I understand is their job, but I just really want to talk, that's all.


j.jk :

"Food's ready!", I heard Jin yell from downstairs. Taehyung lifted me without warning onto the wheelchair, very gently and carefully as if I was made out of fragile glass. He rolled me out of Jin's room and into the elevator, from where we descended down and into the kitchen.

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