Sing Me A Song

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Kirishima's POV

Shopping with Bakugou sure was fun.

When he said that we would only get the necessities, he was serious. We only got milk, bread, coffee, tea, and he allowed me one candy bar because I was basically begging him.

We were at the checking out counter, and this woman was putting our groceries in the bag. When she was done, Bakugou grabbed the bag, and we headed out to go back to the dorms. We still had homework to do. Yeah. Homework on the first day.

It wasn't anything serious though. My music teacher wanted for us to write little songs about anything we want. It could be about life, love, heck, you can write a song about your favorite candy bar if you wanted to. The idea was that, songs could act like stories, or they can describe an object. I actually thought that this project is kinda fun.

Bakugou told me that he had homework too, but, just like me, it wasn't anything serious. All they had to do was make a sketch about something they love.

As we were walking back to our dorm, I was humming a song that I've been working for a while now. It had a pretty upbeat rhythm, but the lyrics weren't so happy. While I was humming, I noticed that Bakugou kept glancing at me.

"What?" I turned to him, raising an eyebrow.

He waved his hand. "Nothing, I was just trying to figure out what song you were humming."

I chuckled. Of course he couldn't figure out what I was humming, I mean, I was the one who wrote the song, and it's not like I posted it anywhere yet.

"Well of course you can't figure it out, I mean, I wrote this song."

He stopped walking.

"Seriously?" He looked at me. Although he was trying to act tough, I noticed how the end of his lips twitched, as though he was trying not to smile. After a minute or so, he started walking again.


He looked at me, eyes narrow. He then shook his head.

"So what kind of song is it? About love or some shit?"

I didn't answer his question for a minute. I wasn't sure if I should tell him what the song is about. Would he see me differently? Would he think I'm weird? I kept walking, staring ahead of me. I felt Bakugou nudge my arm.


I sighed. Fine, I'll tell him.

"It's uh, well-" I started, "it's about life. This song in particular is about a person," I didn't tell him that the person is me,"who, well, is struggling. He thinks that he's better off dead, and that no one would care if he ended his life. Of course, he knows there are people that care about him, but this uh, voice, this voice in his head keeps telling him how worthless he is. How no one cares, and that he should just end it already."

I didn't notice that I stopped walking.

I was standing there, stiff, looking at the ground, telling Bakugou about a song about a depressed boy who wants to kill himself.

Of course, I didn't tell Bakugou that that person is me.

I started walking, but kept looking at the ground, not making eye contact.


Bakugou's POV

Ok, wow.

Shitty Hair just told me that he wrote a song, about a boy who thinks that he's better off dead. It was... pretty deep. Honestly I was shocked and impressed at the same time.

While he was telling me about the song, he stopped walking, and was very stiff, looking at anything but me. I wondered why he was acting so weirdly. It's not like the boy in the song represents Shitty Hair... right?

When he finished, he started walking again, but would still not make eye contact with me. We were walking in awkward silence for a minute, before he asked me,


I looked at him, confused.

"Well? Well what?" I asked him.

"What did you think about the song?"

"Well I haven't heard it yet, so-" I stopped talking mid-sentence. An idea popped into my head.

I am going to make Shitty Hair sing this song to me, whether he likes it or not.


Kirishima's POV

"You'll sing this song to me when we get back." Bakugou said, with his eyebrows furrowed. He looked determined in making me sing.

Oh boy.

I wanted to say no. I should've said no. But just one look at Bakugou, and all of a sudden I forget how to say the word "no".

Damn it he's too good.

I looked at him with a pained expression. My mind was saying "no, you will not sing a song about your struggles to him," but my heart was saying "HOLY SHIT HE'S SO CUTE SING HIM ALL YOUR SONGS YES"

I sighed.

"Alright," I said, "if that'll make you happy. I'll sing." I smiled at him.

And right then and there, Bakugou smiled. It wasn't like an evil smirk or just his mouth twitching, it was a genuine smile. It was a small smile, yes, but it suited Bakugou so much. His pink lips turned upward, and I saw small dimples in his soft cheeks.

I felt heat rising to my cheeks, neck and the tips of my ears. My heart was beating faster and faster.

Oh boy.

It was at this moment that he knew,
he fucked up (or, uh, he gayed up)

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