Chapter Thirteen: My Eyes Are On You

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Dayton's POV

It's been a month exactly since I've awoke. Things seem to be going back to normal, slightly. Jericho was off doing who knows what right now with Rose and Halsey. Alec and I sat in my office discussing what is happening with Jason's fallen army. When we had got Jericho back we thought all of his men were dead but they didn't seem to be the case. Wolves and other creatures were leaving footprints around my boarder but nothing else.

"What are we going to do about this? Have you even told Jericho?" Alec asked. I looked up from my files and glared at him. "Would you shut the fuck up?" I seethed. "She isn't to know about any of this. She's finally happy and has a clean slate of mine. She isn't paranoid of that freak coming after her anymore. I just don't fucking understand why his men are still around." I clenched the file in my hand.

I looked down at the now wrinkled piece of paper and growled. The feeling of growling was still foreign to me. The tiger that lived in me seemed to make himself present whenever he wanted to.

On the piece of paper was a list of information of Jason and his men. There was a picture on it and it made my stomach turn. It was of Jason mutilating Jericho's stomach with a knife.

My emotions were all over the place and I couldn't help but slam the file on the table and groan. "I don't understand. Maybe there is a mole in the kingdom?" Alec suggested. "No. I would have felt the dishonesty in my blood. I just don't understand what the hell im going to do. I do t know how to protect her from someone that isn't alive." I laid my head on the desk and closed my eyes.

"All we really can do is keep an eye out for anything suspicious." Alec frowned. There was a knock on my door and none other than Eric walked in. I rolled my eyes at his attire. He wore a soft pink suit and a flower crown. "Don't you have female for a mate?" Alec chuckled. "Oh piss off. I saw Jericho in the garden and she gave this to me. The suit was just a hunch." He shrugged.

My eyebrows furrowed together. "What hunch?" I asked confused. "Nothing. Have you two figured anything out?" Eric quickly shot my question down. "They aren't making any moves. Just surrounding the boarder here and there. What about you?" I asked. "Same here. My top trackers can't even figure out where they are coming from. There is no scent at all." Erick shrugged.

"Fuck me." I whispered a angrily. "I don't think it's okay for a King to have an affair." Alec laughed. I looked at him with a deadly glare and he sighed. "So serious. I was trying to make a joke." Alec whined. "We are in a serious conversation. One that involves a dead psychopath with wolves and creatures lurking around our Kingdoms." I hissed.

Alec shot his hands up in the air and looked at Eric. "Don't you dare!" Eric yelled at Alec. "Hey you're the one in a flower crown and a pink suit." Alec shot back. "It's called fashion dumbass." Eric bit back. I groaned at the two idiots. "Okay go do whatever the fuck you two were doing before we started this little meeting." I said frustrated. I stood from my desk and pulled my black suit coat on.

"Where is my mate, Eric?" I asked. "How should I know?" He rolled his eyes. "You just fucking saw her before coming here. Did you not say she was in the garden?" I growled. My temper seems to be getting the best of me. The only way my anger would subside is by seeing my mate.

"Well yeah but I don't know if she's still there." Eric said. "Useless." I mumbled and walked out of my office

I walked down the long halls and felt like I was being watched. I turned and looked over my should to see a small child looking at me from behind a door. The child giggled and ran off. I shook my head and walked in the direction of the garden.

The air was cool and looked at the sinking sun. The sky was painted a set of vibrant colors, such beauty. I looked by the roses and saw Jericho talking to the girls. They all seemed so happy. Their Queen was finally okay. She no longer seemed afraid or hurt. She used to hide behind a façade of bravery but now she is brave. There is no more hiding for her and I desperately want to keep it that way. I smiled at her true nature. She deserved to be happy.

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