Part 1

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Into my mind and soul, we become one. Our powers converge into one hoping that the world could be safe with us.We swear by our blood and sweat that we will do everything in our power to never act by our selfish needs . The young adults chanted this 23 times before the Knife of Sal was pressed against their hands creating a burn to signify the end of their cleanse . Cecil anxiously watched as her brother's skin sizzle against the burn. She remember clearly the way the coven leader heated the Knife of Sal and burn every eighteen year old . Her brother smiled like she did when the knife was pulled away from her skin leaving beautiful blisters in its wake. In less than an hour the New Year would appear alongside the New Official Coven members. Their training of ten years would be over . They were now allowed to go out to missions and serve the Coven Of Eden every which way. Cecil's brother, Jiren, connected eye contact with his sister. She was clearly proud of him. He felt proud of himself as well . When Cecil founded out he was the top of his class she yelled and cried like a proud mother would. Two years ago she was standing where he stood in but she was only the top five percent of her class. Her control ability was weak like every first born was . The first born were given the gift of being the strongest. Add in the fact that Cecil began her training three years later than the rest of her training class. He now saw his little sister,Johnson, practice bring back a flower to life and can't help but feel excitement for the new generation. He thank the coven leader , their adoptive father for taking them in after their parents death in a bizarre train accident . Once the ceremony was over Jiren could feel his sister approach him. He heard whispers from coven members how cecil was a perfect blend of both her parents , she was was never more like her mother or father like he and Johnson were.
"Let me see it," she said upon reaching him . Her voice was commanding something she picked up from their adoptive father. "Uncle Gara did a neat job ," she whispers as she wrap a handkerchief with their family crest embedded into it. He looked at it the two raven guarding a white dove in front a pond , his mother would have wrapped the handkerchief for him just like the others . When Cecil was going through the ceremony she had done it for herself. Cecil's heart swell as she looked at her brother. He was an adult now and was now expected to help the coven in anyway, including to give his life.
"What's wrong ,Cilly?" he broke into her thought. She smile
"I'm just proud of you ," Jiren smile at her response, "I have to go see Tessa , be careful and don't do anything to extreme," 

"Alright , tell Tess I said hi." said Jiren he could feel something different from his sister. The way she stood and held herself.

"Be a good boy," smile Cecil. Jiren smile but was frowning on the inside. Cecil always clicked her tongue after she said boy . He watched as Cecil shimmed her way out the auditorium , maybe the death of her friends was really affecting her, he thought.
Cecil's fake calmness lasted upon reaching the exit door of the auditorium . She zoom down the stairs that would lead her to the training room . She open the door to reveal her, the real Cecil still pass out from the blow she receive , blood dripping staining the ancient wooden floor . 

Tessa's glamour dissolve as she walked up to admire her handy work in tying Cecil up.
"Tessa?' groaned Cecil as she gave Tessa a side glance. Tessa ignore her as she walked to the right side of the room an knelt down to the nine year old that was passed out on a yellow yoga mat.
"Everyone's first dosage of August Dust just makes them powerless like every normal person outside of  the coven's doesn't it,' she said as she played with Johnson's brown hair. She smile as she walked towards Cecil, "Your brother seems to be enjoying his passage," whispered Tessa ino Cecil's ear.
"How much did you give to Johnson ? New witches can't..." Cecil spewed blood out as she tried to reach for her sister.
"She hasn't turned blue just yet, She's strong like you Cecil," Tessa replied to her best friend . She remember the moment Cecil walked into the her class with Overseer Gara holding her hand. Cecil seem so small and weak. Tessa remember thinking finally someone like me, except she like many others was surprised when she cried the room would tremble and the sky would cry along with her. Overseer Gara would watch her the first two years of her training and those two years he was always there never missing a beat. Cecil was quiet never really speaking only when she asked Tessa what certain lingo was being used. They bonded over being clueless yet as years went by Cecil become smarter and quicker than Tessa. Tessa didn't mind it for she had someone that was willing to ride or die with her. Tessa and Cecil were meant to support each other , now Cecil was leaving Tessa in the dust when Tessa needed her the most. "It didn't need to come to this," said Tessa as she lifted her blonde lock , "Just follow everything I tell you to do,"
Cecil looked at Tessa. Tessa was never like this pushing and pushing was not her style. "No" said Cecil as she had done for the past two weeks when her constant asking become the strongest in the last two months. Tessa was being selfish and not honoring the coven oath. She could see Tessa's hurt on her face . Tessa yelled at her before slapping her repeatedly . Cecil didn't mind for soon after slapping her Tessa went to disarray the training room making Cecil laugh at the fuming blonde. "Don't even bother asking why I'm not helping you with the spell. Stop being weak and get yourself together and let them go,"
"How can you say that ," yelled Tessa, "Everyone in our league was killed except for us . Micah, your soulmate was one of them. How can you not care?" Cecil did care but she knew grief and she knew accepting death was easier and more honoring than fighting to keep something alive once it was dead.
"They sacrifice themselves for the coven, Tessa. None of them would agree to do this either Tessa . None of them and especially not Micah, if it was me who had died," said Cecil she remember how Micah pushed her away and took the fatal blow that was meant to be hers. Tessa's eyes landed on Johnson. She had watched Johnson grow up and was willing to watch her grow up to be a strong woman like her ancestors . However, Johnson was her winning card, she had to have Cecil perform the time travel spell . She pulled out her thin blade and wiggle it in front of Cecil's face.
"I will kill Johnson . I will make you watch me slice Johnson's throat slowly. I will make Johnson's blood soak your feet that you will have no way to forget that you killed your sister because you wouldn't do the right thing as saving your friends. You won't be able to live with yourself and either way you will do the spell to reverse my sin and save Johnson for your own selfishness. So be selfish and save the others," Cecil looked at her former best friend in horror. Tessa was gone and this new Tessa was there to stay. This Tessa was unpredictable . She watched in horror as Tessa calmly made her way to Johnson. 

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