Chapter 9

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Your P.O.V

I sat in the den of the house watching the lightening strike from the skin as the rain poured around it all. I could hear Sam Smith pray playing in the background but I couldn't bring myself to focus on anything other than the lightening that kept flashing in the skin. I could hear Logic voice rapping the beginning of the song. I watched as another lightening bolt left the sky. It moved freely without worry without free because it was in control of its self. It was fearless and it was powerful. I felt my feet twitch causing me to close my eyes and take a deep breath. I heard the clap of thunder in the background causing me to snap my eyes open and push myself up to stand. "I ain't perfect, but I'm worth it I'm alive, I deserve it I been praying, I ain't playin' I don't think you hear the words that I'm sayin' I don't think you know the weight on my shoulders That gets heavier as I get older Callin' anybody." I rapped to myself before Sam Smith part came in causing me to take my first step. I took another then another after that. "Pray for a glimmer of hope.Maybe I'll pray." I collapse against the wall not being able to keep myself up any longer. Lightening struck the sky again causing me to look up once more. I saw Elizabeth standing at the door frame as the room got dark again.

I could see her moving towards me slowly before she finally kneeled in front of me resting her forehead onto mine."Every step that you take...I'll be right behind you and I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here to catch you everytime and encourage you to take another one." She whispered out softly as tears streamed from our faces. I didn't know what to say I did the only thing that felt right and pulled her into a kiss."Just us." I mumbled pulling away. "Just us."

I began attending therapy every single day and Elizabeth kept her word and stayed with me the entire time. Even on the bad days where I wanted to just quit and cry she encouraged me and kept me going. I was able to walk but not for more than twenty minutes and not to fast, but I got better everyday and moved a little more. I still continued to write music and recording it, but I stayed off of social media. I stayed out the sight of fans and paparazzi. I was currently on the set of Dynasty watching Liz film for the first time. She always watched me do what I loved to do I thought it would be nice to see what she was so passionate about. Fallon Carrington fit Liz perfectly. It was amazing watching her to what she loved because she was so talented at it and I couldn't help but love every single scene that she did. "Cut that's a wrap for today guys." I heard the director yell followed by the bell causing everyone to move quickly. I grabbed my crunches as Liz made her way over to me pulling me into a kiss. "What did you think about today?" She asked backing away slowly allowing me to stand up. "It was amazing. I believe they made Fallon just for you. " I said honestly causing her to grin before pulling me into another kiss before she pulled away and excused herself to go get changed. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket causing me to pull it out before sitting back down not wanting to get tired just from standing. "Hello?" I asked answering the phone knowing it wasn't anyone but my manger. "You ready to get back out there kiddo?" James asked causing me to bit my lip before sighing. "Yeah I've got a few songs ready can you book a studio for me?" I asked as Liz walked back towards me ." I can get you one right now if you need it?" He asked with so much hope in his voice causing me to laugh softly to myself. "Yeah I need it for maybe three days. I just need to grab my journal from the house and I'll be there soon." I said causing him to let me know he'd have everything set and ready by the time I got there. "Getting back into it?" Liz asked hopeful as she finally got back to me. "Yes ma'am I am. You're coming with me right?" I asked wrapping my arms around her waist nuzzling my face into her neck causing her to giggle. "If you want me to I will." She said causing me to hum quietly. " I want you too." I said as she ran her fingers through my hair. "Then come on. We still need to go get your journal." She said pulling away and handing me my crunches. It wasn't that I couldn't walk without them they just made it easier especially if I was walking a long way. I stood up as Liz pulled the hood of my hoodie over my head just in case their were paparazzi outside. We got to the car causing me to get into the passengers seat putting my crunches in the back as Liz started the car. We stopped by the house and grabbed my journal before heading to the studio.

As soon as Liz parked the car it was securities at both of our doors because of all the paparazzi that surrounded the car. I watched them opened my door allowing me to step out and closing the door. "Hey can one of yall grab my crunches for later. " I said as somebody guided me around the car. Liz grabbed my hand causing me to pull her closer to me as the paparazzi went crazy. We quickly got inside causing me to sit down as soon as we got to the lounge. I haven't had to move that fast in a while which is why my legs were tired. "You okay baby?" Liz asked causing me to nod kissing the back of her hand closing my eyes saying a quick prayer. "Amen." I mumbled quietly before opening my eyes seeing someone holding my crunches quietly causing me to smile at them and thank them before grabbing them and standing up. I saw James approaching me. "You good?" He asked pulling me into an hug causing me to nod before pulling away. He pulled Liz into an hug before directing us to the elevator.

As soon as we entered the studio I sat at the board already having a beat in my head. Liz went and sat on the couch watching me quietly,"You wanna learn how to use this?" I asked nodding towards the board. She nodded before she slowly got up making her way towards me. I pulled her into my lap and began explaining everything to her showing her how it worked. Soon after she figured it out we began playing with different beats.

"I like this one." I said rolling the chair over to the table grabbing my journal off it and rolling back. I had the perfect song for this beat and I knew it would be my come back song. I wasn't gone for long only six months without social media,music, fans, interviews, and the public period. "Hey will you snap a video of me and mute it before posting it on Instagram?" I asked causing Liz to lean back in her chair and smirk. "Making a come back Ms.Y/L/N?" She asked causing me to bit my lip leaning in her direction. "Indeed I am Ms.Gillies." I spoke before connecting our lips. Here's to a powerful return.



Hey guys it's been a while and I apologize. I've been busier than I expected between school and work I have no free time but I'm back and more updates are coming.~Sam.

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