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It started with an ache in his body.
Izuku had left school, quickly, he didn't wait for Kacchan, the ache was beginning to get worse, and he wanted to go home.

Upon getting home, his mother worried over his quivering form, ushering him to his All Might covered room, telling him to sleep, and she will wake him once dinner is ready. He obliged, not wanting to worry his Mom any further, and fell asleep, just missing his hair slightly solidifying, and beginning to sparkle.

When he woke up, the ache was gone, he sits up, and rubs a hand across his face, he yelped when he noticed his nails had turned green. Did mom paint them when he was asleep? He goes to shake the sleep out of his hair and notices something else. It was almost as if clumps of his hair stuck together. It's still soft, but, more solid. Izuku rushes to his mirror and gasps, in both shock, and delight. His hair, eyes, almost everything about him sparkles an emerald green. He even noticed his body is harder, like rock.

He rushes to his mother in glee, sparkling tears running down his cheeks as he tells her he finally has a quirk! She sobs along with him, clutching herself close to him as she says he can finally make his dream come true! He could be a hero!


The next at school, everyone noticed his quirk. The girls found it pretty, and wanted to touch the gemstone hair. Others wanted to know if he could take off parts of the gem, and sell it. Izuku ignored those comments.

Kacchan said he's going to make a useless hero if all he can do is sparkle. What Kacchan doesn't know is that Izuku is much more agile now. He feels faster, stronger, and more, all for turning into a rock. He found out when he ran straight into his mother in the morning, knocking them both down and apologizing a hundred times.

They found out what kind of stone Izuku became a week later. He became an Emerald, with a hardness of seven point five to eight. Not as strong as a diamond would be, but strong none the less.

Years pass, and Izuku discovers that his body can be broken, after a traumatizing experience for both him and Kacchan. His arm had been broken off after a nasty fight, leading the emerald to discover that the inside of his body is rock too, but not like the pale outside of his body, which remains as it always was, but solid gem on the inside. How he's able to still eat, and drink, he has no clue, but is grateful for it. He'd miss katsudon too much.

Somehow, his quirk slightly fixed the crumbling friendship between him and Bakugou. It's not perfect, he's still hardheaded as always, but Kacchan no longer hurts him, only throws half hearted insults that Izuku can see right through. This repair in their friendship saved Izuku's life many times.

Having a gemstone for a body is both a blessing and a curse for Izuku. The upside is that he's stronger then ever, and can now keep up with Kacchan when he 'trains.' Downside is, many people would love to get their hands on a living precious mineral, it's almost gotten him kidnapped on multiple occasions. Mainly it was his adorable kindness and obliviousness that did it, but Bakugou refuses to admit to that. So, without Izuku ever noticing, Bakugou has protected his friend, harshly, but he did it.

Izuku knows with his quirk, and the right training, he can be a great hero! He'd be useless for stealth, because of his sparkling hair, as Kacchan tells him, but in the day, he can be a symbol of peace! Just like All Might!

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