The Lake

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All I can hear is nothing. Just the wind passing through the swaying trees and occasionally a bird chirping in the distance. Peaceful and quiet. I hate it.

Here I am, lying in a tent in the middle of the night. I keep trying to fall asleep in my sleeping bag and I can't due to a slight warmth in the air. It's not too hot, it's just warm enough to make everything sticky and unpleasant. There was a hundred places I would rather be then here, like in my own bed in my own room in my own house.

I'm camping with my parents in the middle of the woods. I don't know exactly where I am but I'm pretty sure I can assume it's far away from civilization because my phone's reception died out on the way here. I tried to convince my parents that I didn't want to be here but all I got for a reply was "the fresh air will do you good." It's not doing much good for me right now, is it?

I reach over for my phone in the dark to check the time. After fumbling my hand around I finally grab something solid. I pressed a button on the phone to check the time. Nothing happen. The battery died and there's no electricity for miles. Fantastic. Well, we do have a generator with us but those things are loud and probably unnecessary for just wanting to check the time. I let out a sigh, put the phone back down and try to fall asleep.

I think I started to dream. I'm not really sure. I found myself at the bank of a large lake with a surface that was a crystal-clear and smooth as glass. The moon shone in the sky above the lake in front of me. The lake absorbed the moonshine and sparkled like glitter. I couldn't help but stare at this beautiful image. It felt a bit too real to just be a dream. I took one step forward towards the water's edge. I leaned over and attempted to touch the perfectly still water. Something I saw distracted me. When I saw my arm, it was covered in blue...

The sticky warmth greeted me again. It was a dream. I couldn't believe this. It felt far too real to be a dream. Then again, everyone feels this way when they just wake up. I looked around. It was still dark. It's still night?! How long was I asleep for, ten minutes?

I slipped out of the sleeping bag and stood up. I gave up trying to fall asleep and decided to go wandering instead. I sneaked past my sleeping parents and quietly crawled outside. At this point, my common sense was starting to kick in and insisted that wandering in the woods in the middle of night if you have no idea where you are is kind of a bad idea. I mentally told my common sense to screw off and continued to wander.

I had no idea where I was going. I could barely see anything in front of me. The only guidance I had was the moonlight shine over me but that still didn't help much. Come to think of it, this was a pretty stupid idea, wasn't it? Me in the middle of nowhere with no idea as to how to survive. I sighed and began to turn back. I was only about a few minutes away from the camp so I was sure that I could make it back.

After 15 minutes I stopped and looked around. My breathing started to increase in pace. I had no idea where I was. Great, now I'm lost. I should have listened to my common sense. Why did I even go out here? I sat down by a nearby tree began to rest. I should just stay here and wait until morning.

My eyelids began to grow heavy as I drifted off to sleep. However, I was interrupted. I saw something and opened my eyes wider. A blue light was shine just past the tree line in front of me. It must be the camp. I stood back up and began to walk towards the light. What I saw past those trees shocked me.

Just past the trees there was a large lake stretching out in front of me. The moon's light glittered off it's still surface. This was the lake from my dream. Good. At least I'm sleeping again. I assumed that this was another dream. I chuckled a bit under my breath.

"What's so funny?"

I went dead silent. Who the hell was that? "Hello, who's there?" I called out into the darkness. I took a step back from where I heard the voice from. Strangely enough, the voice came from in front of me, from the lake.

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