Chapter Nine

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/Vic pov/

"So you're ok with this right?" I ask again.

"Of course I am" she tells me.

"Ok good I'm glad your taking this well, I was genuinely scared you wouldn't" I tell her.

"It's ok going to be ok Vic, I have your back and I'm sure your friends will too whenever you want to tell them" she tells me. It's good I'll still have her as a friend to talk to about these things. I go to leave for my last class.

It's been a long day but I did what I had to do. Thankfully she took it well, I'll be forever grateful for that and we are still going to remain friends. Yes I broke up with Danielle. Now I just have to tell Kellin. I haven't really talked to him since I apologized a few days ago. But that's because he wasn't in school he's been sick, but I have texted him a few times casually.

It took a lot of courage to actually break it off with her, but after a long discussion we can to a mutual agreement so that was great. As soon as school lets out I'm going to go over to his house and talk to him. My friends haven't caught on yet. But they do know that we broke up, just not why.

I'm still thinking about what he asked "is she right though" just replays in my head all the time. And I think so. But I just didn't want to admit it to myself. And even if I can't admit it out loud yet, I'm starting to admit it to myself that there's a chance I am. And I think I'm ok with that. Two months ago I would have fought you tooth and nail, but Kellin's really opened my eyes and I came to realize I've projected my jealousy and hostility on him. Now I just want to make things right.

I want to be happy, truly happy and content with things, has hard as that will be I have to try like I've been doing a lot lately.

I finally arrive at Kellin's now that schools over for today, I knock on the door. Luckily for me Kellin answers the door.

"Vic I wasn't expecting you"

"That's ok right" I say.

"Of course come on in" he tells me closing the door behind me.

I follow him up stairs to his bedroom and waste no time and kiss him.

"Whoa Vic, what was that for?" He asks.

"I, broke up with her, Dani we're still friends and she took it well, but yeah, we're over"

"I'm sorry Vic"

"Don't be, I couldn't do it anymore, she knew that. And anyway I think you guys are right. But I'm still not sure but I'm willing to find out" I say.

"I don't exactly want to be an experimental trial Vic" he says.

"Sorry that came out wrong, I didn't mean it that way, the point is I really like you and your company so I'd like to try a relationship but I don't want to label us yet if that's ok"

"So is what your suggesting like a friends with benefits sort of thing?" He says.

"Well sorta without the hooking up, I'm not ready for that, but everything that makes a relationship the making out and stuff is ok just no label" I explain.

"Ok I get it, it's new to you, alright I'll agree to this for now, and but if things happen you have to tell me it's still basically a relationship" he says.

"You got it" I say.

"So now what?" He asks awkwardly I can admit it was cute.

"Ok can I kiss you now?"

"Slow down there cowboy, do you plan on taking me on dates?

"Only if you want" I tell him.

"Then ok"

"Ok?" I question.

"Yeah ok to kiss me"


I wasted no time after that. I planted my lips to his. That's something I can't get enough of, it's the best kisses I've ever had. Better than Dani, I hate to say, since I was with her so long but its true.

The kiss gained momentum after a few minutes, unexpectedly of course. He was getting into too so I know it's wasn't all one sided. Soon I travelled away from his lips, and started kissing his neck just below his left ear. He leans his head to the opposite side to give me more room and I sucked and kissed the spot I was at. Once done with that and satisfied I went back to kissing his lips. They were plump and tasted like chap stick. It's great.

Only he pulls away from me breathing heavily, but smiling down at me. Oh yeah I may have got us to his bed and he's straddling my lap, I can definitely feel a tightness in my pants but it's far too soon for anything like that. Why does he do these thing to me. He pecks my lips once more before he gets off and lays down next to me. He ends up falling asleep. I take rest my eyes for a few minutes but then I get a text from Mike asking where I am, and that mama wants me home soon.

So I carefully get up off Kellin's bed and write a note and leave it on his night table. I look over at hind again, I see the hickey forming on his neck and I smirk and then see him cuddle into a pillow and that's when I leave. I said bye to his mom that was in the kitchen and I walk to my car and drive home, smiling genuinely for the first time in a long time.

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