copy cat

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(for anyone reading this.. thank you..)

Lana stood in front of her office window sipping a cup of coffee.. she turned her head towards a wall covered with awards of her past achievements giving proud smirk.. Lana's girlfriend Monica leans in the doorway smiling lovingly at her..

"Going on another nostalgia trip i see.."

"Not all of them were fond But at least I have something to show for it.."
Lana took another sip of her coffee..

"You seem a little uneasy this morning.." Monica walked up to Lana rubbing her back softly..

"I'm sorry to sound so bitter.. all of this is still overwhelming to me.." Lana said still looking at the wall..

"Thats what you get for being a good at your job.." 

Lana smiles at Monica giving her a soft kiss..

"You know the press ball is tonight right?"

"Now shape up you got a busy day today.." Monica said patting Lana on the butt.. Lana giggled as Monica pulled her by the hand out of her office..

Lana sat at the breakfast table as Monica sat next to her watching the television news..

"Have you decided what your going to wear?" Monica said before taking a bite on a piece of toast..

"No.. does it really matter?"

"you could at least make a effort to look a little fabulous.."

"I'm a journalist not a model.."

"Well you look like a model to me.." Monica said bitting her lip..

"Flattery will get you know where..."
"Your not even a little tiny excited about tonight?" Monica said

"I just hate going to these type of events... Just a bunch of rich assholes kissing each others ass.." Lana continued drinking her coffee..

"That may be true but those rich assholes are kissing YOUR ass.."

Lana sighed
"Monica this might seem odd or even stupid but im numb To all of this... I made it.. I made it through all the bullshit, made my way to the top and yet i still feel empty.."

Monica reaches her hand over to lana's grabbing it softly..
"You earned this lana... You've earned your moment to shine.."

Lana smiled feeling warmed by Monica's words..

"Thank you.. You really know how to make an old lady feel young.."

"Yeah... So your wearing the blue dress then?"

Lana laughs..
"Yes the blue one will do just fine.."

Monica gets up putting her plate in the sink.. Lana sipped her coffee as the television kept playing a news alert comes on it..

"We are standing in front on 140 vaudeville street where an anonymous caller lead police to a bloody murder scene.."

Lana stopped drinking her coffee knowing that address.. feeling her stomach turn.. she stood up moving closer to the tv turning up the volume..

"Authorities say the victim was skinned alive and left a disturbing message.. 'death is only the beginning'.. the house the bodies were found in is the abandoned home of the notorious killer.. blo-"

Lana turned the television off not wanting to hear the name.. she went into shock falling to the floor he ptsd hit her like a bat.. Monica walks in on her laying flat on the living room floor..

"Lana? Lana? Baby!?"

A squad car pulls up to the abandoned house.. A detective steps out of the car stepping into the slushy snow on the side walk.. He walks up to one of the officers standing on the lawn as photographers and news tries hound behind the yellow tape..

"Detective Dalton.. Im Officer harris.."

Dalton shakes Harris's hand.. Dalton looks up at the abandoned house..

"Ive only heard nightmares about this house and Now to finally be standing in front of it is kinda scary.."

Harris smirks at his comments..
"You should see the inside.."

Dalton and the officer walk into the house.. Dalton sees the blood trail leading towards the basement..

"That is.. Creepy... Thats some italian horror movie shit.."
Dalton said following the trail..

The two step downstairs into the basements seeing the bloody room..

Dalton moves his flashlight around the room...

"They sure know how to decorate the place.. Very welcoming.." Dalton said reaching into his pocket pulling out a cigarette..

Dalton walks into the room with body parts nailed on the wall.. Dalton lights his cigarette scanning the rest of the room with his flashlight..

"If This isnt a calling card if ive seen one.."

Harris turns his light towards Dalton..
"It had to take them a week tops to do this sick shit.."

"My guess? this is the first of many to come.."

"I mean him writting 'death is only the beginning' on the wall definitely screams hes just getting started.." Harris said sarcastically..

"Isnt it obvious? This crime scene, this house, this address.. This.. Is bloody faces work.." Dalton said cigarette still hanging in his mouth..

"So your saying bloody faces ghost did this?"

" no smart ass! this guys a fucking copy cat.. This fucker thinks hes finishing what bloodyface started.."
Dalton said puffing off his cigarette..

"Jesus Christ.. This is only giving us a taste of whats to come.." Harris said

"Exactly.. Now the only one question remains whose his next victim?"

Dalton takes one more puff of the cigarette throwing it on the floor and stomping it out..


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2019 ⏰

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