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Jung Y/N Pov

Tommorow i have a date with my boyfriend Jimin

Were already done with school

We just have to find a job

Jimin already found a job

he is going to be an idol but his still training
but his almost going to debut soon

And i dont know what to do to find a job

i really love to do make up

So i want to be a make up artist and since i want to be close to jimin too

Ill apply at his entertainment to so that i can be his make up artist

and that we can be together too!

Well isnt it great?

Anyways today ill go to Bighit Entertainment since thats were he trains

I picked an outift to go there

i picked a white tee and blue shorts

I did my hair in high ponytail and then just putted some blush on

and lip balm and then get a cab to go to there

And by the way i live in a small apartment in Seoul South Korea

Because i think its better to go there and get a job there

Im originally from busan with Jimin but we move there

Jimin has his own dorm with his new members that i think his gonna debut with

Me and Jimin are best friends when were just in childhood but we began to like each other in high school

so he confess to me and i actually like him to in that time so i accepted him

now we still have our wonderful relationship here in Seoul

When i was about to say something again i was cut of by the cab driver and said that were here

so i said sorry and give the money to the cab driver

and then walked out of the cab and into the building

when i went there i asked a person

and i said: Where can i apply as an make up artist?

and the she said: In the 3rd floor and then 2nd to the left door

so i said thank you and went to the elevator and press the number 3

and then i went up to the 3rd floor

when i got there i step out and walked to the left

and then knock on the 2nd door then a girl came out and greeted me

she said: Hi what can i help you?

I said: Im going to apply as a make up artist

she said: okay and come in

so i come in and then greeted a man who i think is the boss / CEO of the Bighit Entertainment PD nim

i greeted him

I said: Hello im Jung Y/N and i want to work here as an Make Up artist

and then he said: sit down

so i sit down on a chair and then he talked

He said: Since a boy group here is going to debut soon i need a make up artist like you

And then he continued: why do you want to be a make up artist here in bighit entertainment?

then i said

"I want to be a Make up Artist at Bighit Entertainment because i feel like a can use my talent to make up idol here and because i think that this job is the right one for me"

When i finished saying that he clap his hands

He said:thats a wonderful speech!

He continued:I will call you and tell you if you have joined or not well good luck!

And then i bowed at him and left the room when i exited the room i breathed loudly

And then going back to the ground floor

i make my way to the elevator again but i bumped into someone

and fell but that someone catches me before i fall

its my Boyfriend!!!!!! Park Jimin

I hugged him tight and then stand straight

Jimin said:I miss you!!!!

and then i said to jimin

Me too! But lets not do it here maybe someone will see us

He said: okay lets go to your apartment

And then we walked to the elevator together

not too close so that no one would be suspicous

and then when we got to the 1st floor

we got off and then get a cab

and then when were there jimin hold my hand tight

He said: what are you doing here? why are you in bighit entertainment?

i said: im going to apply as a make up artist in one of the debut boy groups, i hope i can be a make up artist there,

jimin said: of course you will your make up is wonderful!

and smiled i smiled back and then just continue to talk about what we miss

when we got to my apartment

i walked in and go to the kitchen so that i can get some snacks for me and jimin

because were gonna watch a movie!

i go get some chips and chocolate milk

and then when i got it i cane back to the couch were jimin is preparing the movie

i sit at the couch and wait for him to finish preparing it and when his done

he goes into the couch and sit next to me and then cuddle to me

he really loves cuddles and hugs

his so clingy sometimes

Anyways the movie started and then we continue to watch

until the movie has finish, the movie is (What your favorite movie is) and its really good!

Jimin is already going to sleep anytime soon so i get up and then turn off the tv

And i said: jimin-ah Yah lets go to my bedroom lets sleep there its getting late

he just cutely nodded his head and then stand up and then we walked to my bed room together

i sleep on the other side and he sleep on the other side

but when i was sleeping i feel like his hands goes to my body and hugs me tight

i tried to let go but he doesnt want too

so i just fall asleep like he is

Author's Note

Wow! I feel like this is my longest chapter that i did in my whole wattpad life.

Anyways hope you like it and please vote and tell me your opinion! Thank you! ❤ ❤

On 05/09/2019

1067 words

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