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He shouldn't have gone in there. In here. But curiosity got the better of him.
The moment Tom Hiddleston entered this house, he heard a voice. "You shouldn't have come here," the voice was beautiful. Soft and gentle. Kind and warm. It wasn't threatening, but more a warning. Though it did make him reach for the doorknob behind him. But as he stepped through the door, he didn't end up outside but rather in a large bedroom. It confused him. And it scared him. "I told you," the voice sighed.
"It's not safe here."
"Who are you?"
"I'm (y/n) (l/n), child of Aphrodite."
Tom twirled on his heels. A frown on his forehead.
This was insane.
"As in..."
"Aphrodite, goddess of beauty so to say, yes."
"That's impossible."
"Hun, you've no idea what's possible."
A chill went down his spine and when he turned around once more, he faced a rather ugly ghost like figure. Her face was one of a monster and her hair was incredibly messy and floating around her head.
And he hadn't even started on her clothes.
"I really don't want to kill you." She whispered. Her voice didn't fit her looks at all. It was too.. beautiful. "But I got no choice." Were the words with which she finished her sentence.
Tom barely rolled away in time. (Y/n) had thrusted a knife towards him. It would've gotten him too if she hadn't pushed him away.

It had been more than confusing and so were the past few days.
Tom had seen many different - but also the same - rooms. He tried to get out. Tried to see what the code was behind the doors but to no avail.
Everyday he tried to help (y/n) too. Just by staying a little longer than his instinct told him was safe.
Sometimes they had a small talk, usually mid-fight.
That's how he came to know that (y/n) had killed many before. And that this fact was also the reason for her distorted looks. She was cursed.
She had done something that had pissed off several greek gods and all of them had cursed her.
Tom had also noticed that - after a few encounters - every time she saw him, tears started streaming down her face. Tears of regret. And after a few more weeks, he had noticed how he was falling in love.
But she wasn't. (Y/n) was also cursed on that front, Artemis made it so she, (y/n), couldn't fall in love easily. It wasn't impossible, but it was fairly difficult. Not that she minded. (Y/n) had seen the heart of the man in her mansion. Sure, he had a naughty and rude side, but overall, this man was nothing but good. A man like him couldn't fall in love with an ugly, killing ghost like her.
Sure, she wanted to help Tom, but she couldn't.
They couldn't get out until she fell in love with him, he with her and until he had told her upfront he loved her.
Now that was really difficult.

Today she was at it again. A knife was secured with a belt to her leg. The urge to kill Tom was too strong to ignore and when she saw him, it took about everything she got not to pounce on him and kill him this very instant.
Tom had been reading. Today, about 83 doors later, he had found a library. Luckily for him, there was some Shakespeare in it. He did notice a presence that had to be no one else but (y/n). So he started reading a love scene from the very famous Romeo and Julliet out loud.
His smooth voice filled the room and (y/n) found herself enchanted by the silky tone.
For a while and for the first time in a long time, the curse faded. The urge to kill wasn't there, she felt her heart thump in her chest loudly, she took her human form and suddenly she was one of the most gorgeous girls ever.
Tom noticed this. Her entranced state amazed him and he was surely in awe by her looks.
She looked so much kinder like that. Without noticing, he had stopped reading. He had stood up and he had approached her. But as soon as his hand touched her cheek, everything changed back and she took more than a few steps back.
"Don't. Please," she pleaded quietly, "Don't approach me. Stay away. Survive."
And with those words, she was gone.

Days passed and Tom had never seen her again. It worried him and he wanted to ask her why she hadn't tried to kill him that time. He had been so close and so easy to kill right there and then, yet all she'd done was walk away only to never let her face be seen again. But today was the first time he saw her again. He ended up in the kitchen, exactly when he wanted to eat, luckily for him, and there she stood. She was cooking a meal, two plates next to her were filled with bread, some cheese and meat. She put the pasta on it as well once that was ready. (Y/n) took one plate and was about to leave the kitchen.
"No wait!" Tom quickly said. It caused the girl to turn on her heels. Well that would be the case if it weren't for her floating above the ground.
"What is it?" (y/n) asked hesitantly. Slowly, she made her way to the knives.
"You don't have to kill me," Tom put his hands in the air, "You didn't when you had the chance... Why?"

Without her knowing it, (y/n) put the knife, she now held, up to her chest. The blade was pointed towards Tom.
"I couldn't. I didn't want to and I don't want to now. I am cursed remember?" Tears formed in her dull (e/c) eyes. "But when I heard you read... Something changed."
"You changed. (y/n), you are gorgeous."
"As you can see, Tom, I am not."
"Okay, maybe not as gorgeous at the moment, but you are."


Without (y/n) noticing, Tom had walked closer and taken the knife away from her. His hands cupped her cheeks. (y/n) felt the urge to kill him boil up along with something else. Something she felt that day in the library. A feeling she hadn't felt in a very long time.
"(y/n) you are gorgeous, inside and out. One mistake is nothing. It makes you human and not only a demigod. That you are cursed doesn't matter, perhaps it's an eye opener. (y/n), you have to know that these past weeks I've come to love you. I'm in love with you and I don't care if you look like a zombie ghost or like this."

So apparently she had changed back. She felt the anger decreasing rapidly too. Her usually dull eyes were shining brightly again and her (h/l) (h/c) hair got it's liveliness back too. Her feet hit the ground with a soft tud, making her even smaller than the tall man in front of her. Her once ripped and dirty dress turned back to a clean one.
"God you're gorgeous." Tom whispered and suddenly pressed his lips onto her pink ones in a passionate kiss.
Once they pulled away, foreheads still resting against one another, (y/n) whispered her reply.
"I love you too."

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