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So, its always the same today. Felix got home from the studio, talking about that Changbin guy again. His mouth was nonstop. Woojin and Seungmin just keep on nodding and nodding even though I know they don't understand a thing, especially at the way Felix talk.

Jisung and Minho, on the other hand was flirting at the kitchen. They we're feeding each other goddammit. Jeongin was playing this baby shark again, gosh, what a kid. What a cute kid.

Hyunjin was sitting down the corner while munching some fries and playing with his phone. I'm just here standing at the staircase while watching everyone do their stuff.

"OH. MY. GOD." Woojin suddenly screamed making everyone startled and look at him.

"What is it?" Seungmin asked out loud, Woojin laughed and smirk after. "So I was scrolling down the instagram and a new ship is sailing~" He sing song as Felix snatched the phone and Seungmin leaned over.

He looked serious a little before gasping, Seungmin frowned a bit before looking away. "Its HyunIn!!" Felix yelled.

"Hyunㅡ Ooohhh I know now~" Minho cooed looking at Hyunjin and Jeongin who smiled at each other.

I gulped and ran downstairs snatching the phone from Felix, I look down and this is what I saw.

I give him back the phone and he glad fully catch it

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I give him back the phone and he glad fully catch it. I sighed and looked away,"Isn't Hyunjin paired with Seungmin? Like, they are the main ship in this group." i scoffed as they made a smirk making me frown.

"Ehh, I think I like Jeongin more." Hyunjin said wiggling his eyebrows as he smile at Jeongin who chuckled.

Seungmin cleared his throat, "Oh gosh, I f-forgot to fix m-my files." He stood up running upstairs leaving us speechless.

"But Seungjin is real." Felix pouted sadly and Hyunjin laughed.

"Uh, let's make this new ship look real, yeah?" Hyunjin said and everyone nodded, except me.

"I agree! Hyunjin hyung is the first member I had to have a ship with. Its awesome and cute." Jeongin exclaimed cutely as the baby shark's music volume increased making everyone go 'aww'.

I just sighed and walked out of them, I went upstairs closing my door shut wuth a loud thud. I sat on my chair staring at the blank ceiling. I click my tongue making my lips wet as I leaned down the desk facing some papers.

"Why do I even care?" I muttered under my breathe and shook my head. The sound of the door opening made me surprise a little, but calmed down once I saw Jeongin come inside and slammed the door again, making a louder thud.

He whisepred a 'sorry' amd smirked after, he's jist this silly cite kid that i want to keep inside my pockets forever.

"Waddup, Chan?" He said with all his swag, yeah, he didn't even call me hyung. Never at all. This kid, just, ugh.

"Nothing. Go back to your Hyunjin. You're face is making me stressed." I lied and roll my ryes when he laughed his ass off. He flopped on bed as he roll over the covers making him look like a sushi.

"Chanie is jealous~" He sing song making me choke on my own saliva. "Jealousforwhat?" I said with all my might trying hard not to stutter.

"Ayyee stuttered." He cooed making his dolphin like laugh, believe me, it hurts so much. My eardrums are dying everytime he does that.

"See! You're so annoying, super." I exclaimed looking down the papers pretending to do something. Just.. Ugh.. No.

"Huh? I thought you're done." He rolled out of the covers and run up to me looking down the papers.

"See, you're just pretending. You're going all shy shy shy." He made that aegyo of Sana noona and I rolled my eyes trying hard not to laugh.

"Aww, dont ya worry Chanie. Jeonginie will always love you!" He said cuteky making me look up at him frowning as he smiled me.

"Omg! A dead bird is flying!" He pointed out the window with a very shock expression making me look out too, but by thr word 'dead' it made it look stupid andㅡ


I felt his soft lips touch my cheeks and it made it burn as hell, I'm freaking blushing. He ran away while laughing and laughing.

Did he just kissed me?!

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