I have powers, I get a new one every year on my birthday, so far I have 8; i can Shapeshift my arms into swords, Shadowslip through objects, control liquids, transform into a wolf- bat mutation, control predatory animals, superstrength, superspeed, and noticing traps or alarm systems.
Today, Monday, Hell-day, My Birthday.
I'm at school, awaiting the moment that I get my new power, waiting for The Burst. It's the start of Double Science, I feel as if my stomach will explode, my body is bursting. I run to the rubbish bin at the back of the class and heave the last 12 hours worth of food into the piles of old test tubes, failed experiments and dissected mice. Everyone rushes to my aid, asking if I need the nurse or any medication in my bag ( I'm the guy with alot of allergies), too much heat, need to breathe, I'm scared, angry. Move goddammit! I cry out for them to move but it comes out as a wolfs' growl entangled with a bats' screech. Everybody pauses, and look at me with shock, a girl screams, but I already know what's happening, my Power isn't helping me, It's taking over!
Transforming, skull splitting, spine rapidly growing, skin ripping, agony, anger, blatant rage. My transformations are like the were-wolf transformations in the movie, "Van Helsing". My bones expand, bend, new bones grow. My skin rips, grey, bristly fur revealed underneath, my shirt is ripped to shreds, my sweatpants maintaining the slow painful changing of my body. My muscles rot and renew, much more powerful tendons replace them, I am stronger than the Hulk! My legs lengthen, more flesh grows, more speed, my feet widen, ripping my shoe soles to shreds, the bottom of my feet become padded like a wolfs', my toes grow to form bats' talons but the rest stays inhumanly large, but still mostly in a human form.
My biceps inflate to the size of watermelons, my bones in my hands and arms are thicker, stronger, my fingers are longer, nimbler, stronger grip inhabits them. When my skull splits a new, wolfen skull forms underneath, small snout, bat ears, large canines, smell, sound and tastes get 50 times stronger. My eyes cloud over with Topaz colour, eyes slit like a cats.
My new shoulderblades stiffen and bone forms, splitting my skin and making 5 new bones on each side of me, new flesh forms, then skin, then the vertebrae in my back are connecting to my newly formed limbs, my new foldable wings, having a wingspan total of 24 feet. My transformation is complete! I'm now 11 ft 5 inches, I've grown 5 feet taller, I can bench press the weight of a trains' passenger car filled with people, and can hear a pin drop at the other side of the city.
In their eyes I must look like Hells' Angel, deformed and unforgiving, to punish them for their sins. The girls are in the corner at the other side of the class-room, the boys cowering in front of me, our teacher is under his desk calling all authorities available, The rest have fainted or jumped out of the window. The captain of my schools' soccer team is in front of me, a normally massive boy, now puny under my towering height, you can see that his body has had too much drug intake, his steroids are visible in his pocket, 6 needles in his pockets. I, the Power, We grab the syringes and rasp," Don't you know these can destroy your mind?". He looks at the steroids and gasps, We swiftly take them away from his line of sight and with 4 in one hand and 2 in the other, We plunge the needles in his ears and pierce his ear-drums, and his brain. More screams, We walk over to the teacher, We hiss, "Cell phones cause brain tumors, but this one'll cause Death..." He screams as We take the phone and shove it down his mouth, simultaneously breaking his neck. We grab the nearest explosive chemicals and lauch them at the walls, killing all the people in the room but Us. I hear people in front of the door and with one flap of our mighty wings We make the 250 pound door fly off its' hinges, it slams into the crowd, destroying a dozen people. They scream, and We control all of the dangerous liquids in the lab and launch them at the crowd, half the school dead, half to kill. We dash down the corridors, entering classes and slashing their throats with Our claws. We enter the library, there are the rest of the students, one of the students scream, making the librarian look at them and scowl. She spots Us and screams, the other kids look and shriek like a gaggle of banshees, We cackle at their fear and misery. We get a book and walk to the nearest teenager, she's about a year younger than me, a sophomore. She cowers and whimpers at the sight of Our demonic body. We grab the Encyclopedia Brittanica that sits on the desk in front of her, and cackle," Got your nose in the books, eh?" She looks at Us with a puzzled/frightened look. We quickly open the book and slam it on her nose, sharply tug and throw the book away, half of her face is flung across the room. We grin, and viciously say, "Oh, it's more than your nose..."
We shift my arms into swords and slit the throats of the students. We bound to the librarian and bring the book with the girls face in it. "I'd like to return this book but...", We say sadly. "You're overdue." We grin and grab the stamp on her desk and slam her head onto the desk, and her face changes from fear to petrification as We drive her "Overdue" stamp into the back of her head and paint the desk a new colour, Crimson. The slaughter ends and I rapidly return to my normal shape. I sob and shriek 'til the authorities come and my death sentence begins...
6 feet over
HorrorDerek is dead, well kinda dead... Derek did some really bad stuff in his life, but he's not finished yet, are the gods giving him a redemption, or are they punishing him? Now Derek has a life, but he's alone, and he's lost his 8 advantages...