senpai • 13

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"Eh? You're not going to watch the fireworks show with Semi-senpai?" One of your female classmate asked.

You shake your head, "No, he'll watch with his team mates." You responded.

"What- I can't believe it! We thought you two are going to watch it together!" She whined.

You just shrugged your shoulders then you put your [color] plain shirt on with matching [color] jumpskirt that stop on your mid-thigh and your pair of [type of footwear] on.

Removing the maid headband; you combed your [h/l] [h/c] hair and let it down.

After with everything such as putting a very small amount of make-up, you were about to grab your bag and take your leave but the door suddenly opened; thank god no one was naked.

"Semi-senpai?" Your eyes goes wide.

He's panting a bit hard while tiredly leaning on the door frame.

Semi softly grabbed your hand, "I thought you already gone home." He said.

"What?" You blushed and before you could even say another word, he starts to run and drag you along with him while his hand never leave yours.

"S-senpai, where are we going?" You asked.

Semi glanced at you and cracked a small smile, "At the rooftop, let's watch the fireworks together." He responded.

You feel your heart rejoiced from the sadness you just felt a while ago. A smile appeared on your face and you tightened your grip to his hand.

 A smile appeared on your face and you tightened your grip to his hand

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You and Semi were a panting mess right after you reached the rooftop. He closed the door and you two walked towards the railings.

You can see the students from up there. They are gathered around; waiting for the fireworks show to start. You even spotted Tendou since he got a spiky red hair.

Semi leaned his elbows on the railings and watch his friends waiting for the countdown. You glanced at him and the more you look at him, the more your heart can't calm down.

Mayb this is the right time to confess. You took a deep breath.

"Thank you for bringing me here, Semi-senpai." You started and you can feel your heart is pounding.

Semi turned to his side to face you and was surprised to see you with a huge blushed on your face.

"Actually senpai, I was about to ask you but I was afraid that you will say no." You looked at him straight to his pair of beautiful eyes.

"B-before this night end... I want you to know that I'm in love with you. Please go out with me!" you confessed; bowing your a head slightly.

There, I said it! I've done it!

You saw his eyes goes wide and his cheeks heat up then a soft smile appeared on his face and he walked closer to you. For a brief moment, you two are staring at each other's eyes.

Semi cupped your cheeks, "Thank goodness, I thought I was the only one." He said.

"H-huh? What do y-"

Your eyes goes wide again and you can feel your heart is going to leave your chest in any second- his soft lips are pressed against yours.

It's happening, the time you've been waiting for is finally happening, you could die of happiness.

Melting from the kiss; you closed your eyes and start kissing him back, and just in time, the fireworks start to explode in the dark starry sky.

A genuine happiness built inside of you and the butterflies rejoiced in your stomach.

Semi wrapped his arms around your waist while you wrapped your arms around his neck. He slowly pulled away then he rested his forehead to yours and smiled.

"I'm in love with you too, [y/n]."

THE END ── ̑̑

( 💌 ) ── ꒰ ❀ ꒱ ◞ ̑̑ೃ࿔

nghhhhh! I love Semi so much ♡

Thank you Furudate-sama & to the whole team for creating Semi! (of course for the other characters too - my husbandos)

Btw, thank you as well for supporting this book, my cutiepie readers ✨❣️

𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐩𝐚𝐢 𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 ; semi eitaWhere stories live. Discover now