Chapter 4

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Me: Hello! It's ya boi! Meeeeeeeeeeeeeee.


me: Holy crap! Where did you come from?!

Angry mob: that doesn't matter!

Me: in that case, I'll just close this door and-

Passive mob: NoNo I'm sorry continue!

Me: alright then... now, to explain my absence, the final exams are here and I've been putting my time and effort into studyin-

Angry mob: then how did you make this chapter?

Me: definitely not satanic rituals!

Angry mob:...... so then you procrastinated?

Me: sure, let's go with the non-satanic ritual thing. Anyway, here's the chapter that you have been waiting for... here you go.

I put a lot of time into this and may or may not have made this extremely long, just a fair warning. Snacks are recommended!

Chapter 4: Test of loyalty

The next morning saw Robin leaving the exercise room grinning broadly and whistling a happy tune. This combined with the fact that no one had seen Beast Boy since the pudding incident lead to general concern among the other Titans. A swift investigation found no trace of the changeling until they unzipped the exercise room's punching bag.

"Remind me not to get on Fearless Leader's bad side."

As this excitement wound down, normal morning routine once again established itself as the dominant factor. At least, until Robin turned on the news.

"-report that the escaped and highly dangerous convict Fang was captured and returned to custody late last night by the combined efforts of the Teen Titans and an unknown individual known as Spider-Man..."

"Guys! Check it out!"

"...who may or may not be the same vigilante often reported in the area of New York City. We now bring you exclusive footage of Fang's arrest by city police." The anchorwoman disappeared for a moment, to be replaced by poorly shot camcorder footage of... well, if you don't know, you should have read chapter 3!

Spider-Man grinned at the fish-out-of-water looks plastered on his teammate's faces. Even Raven was astounded by what she was seeing.

Beast Boy and Cyborg burst into gales of laughter, Terra and Star giggled uncontrollably, and Robin barely managed to choke out "'Or something', huh?"

"I call it 'Bad Guy in Repose'." Spidey shrugged. "I may not know art, but I know what I like."

The anchorwoman reappeared. "The escaped criminal was found this way in front of the Police Station, with a short handwritten note glued to his forehead with the same web-like material that held him captive. The note reportedly read as follows:

Courtesy of your friendly neighborhood Teen Titans and their newest member, Spider-Man!

If this Spider-Man is indeed a new addition to our local heroes organization, what does this mean for us? We now take you to our New York contact, for a few Man-on-the-Street interviews."

Spidey groaned as they led in an introduction for the interviews. "This ought to be fun. Half of Manhattan hates my guts!" The interviews began before anyone could ask why.

"Spider-Man is a menace! If he's gone to your town, it's your loss and our gain!"

"You mean he's gone? Thank God! I know I'll sleep better at night now!"

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