The Start

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"Finn we need to go on dude "I admit"Where "he askes genuine"The mission ... the Eye of Ender ... ring a bel" I said disappointed "...oh yeah , lets do it "He mumbles. time passes and our portal is finished. " Ok man you go first" I said kinda afraid .He snikers "common dude " We both walk into a sticky purple portall.Suddenly I feel super weak and light headed - but other than that it was just like walking through a door with gell in the middel."Wow it looks beautiful ....."I said astonished " Yeah man , but lets find wat we're here for "He said firmly "Oh yeah sorry bro" We were on a plain of sand seeing a black long men walking in the distance .....endermen."Sissor shot ...? I ask "oh yeah" Quickly we run towards one , I slide and sweep his legs , then while he fell foward Finn tried to get as close as possible and to land a shot with a arrow right between the Endermans eyes 'Poohf' and the endermans gone , has he died? 'pwadjak.....uff' he stood behind Finn and hit him to the ground . I rushed to the Enderman , we both jump in the air and both give a deadly blow. When I stand up I realised im not hit , but when I look at the endermen I see my diamond sword in his chest. He fell to the ground wuth a thud , and out of his chest an Enderpearl appeared. "Finn I got it we can go home ! " I shout gladly "Mathmatical !" We went back trough the portal to the Overworld.

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