Part 3

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I saw all your comments and I just had to write something for you. I am sorry I can't update regularly and thank you so much for keeping up with that. So here is a fresh chapter for you, I hope you like it.

"Guys, my cousins are in town", Stiles spoke up when they called everyone for a pack meeting the next day.
"So you need time with them?", Isaac asked not quite grasping why Stiles was telling them this news.
"Oh shit, really?", Scott frowned "what are they doing here?"
"I guess they are after the same werewolf that we are after", Stiles mused and Scott nodded in understanding.
"Oh shit, your cousins are hunters?", Allison gasped and Lydia opened her mouth in an o shape.
"Yes...", Stiles rolled his eyes.
"How did they react to Derek?", Scott asked immediatly.
"I don't think they noticed that he is a werewolf", Stiles shrugged.
"I wasn't talking about that, Stiles", Scott smiled at him sympathetically "did you tell them?"
"No, we didn't", Derek spoke up instead of Stiles because he looked to the floor ashamed.
"I... couldn't", Stiles mumbled as he put his head in his hands.
"I am sorry I didn't want you to feel bad", Scott apologized.
"I just...", Stiles stood up and wiped a tear out of his eye "I need a moment".
"Stiles I...", Scott stood up to follow him but Derek stopped him.
"Just give him some minutes", he smiled at his beta "you know his cousins, don't you?"
"I do", Scott nodded "but I also know that they are not their dad and they are so different to him in all ways so I don't think they would deny him".
"Me neither", Derek smiled "but I understand his anxiety and he has every right to not tell anyone he is not comfortable with knowing".
"You're right", Scott nodded "I just know that he is suffering under the fact that he feels like he can't tell them. Like he can't really be himself".
"Yeah I felt that too", Derek agreed "I hope he feels comfortable soon".
"Hey guys, I think I should go talk to him", Allison spoke up and immediatly headed upstairs so no one even had the chance to stop her.

"Hey Stiles", Allison spoke up softly as she entered Derek's bedroom and saw Stiles sitting on the bed wiping his eyes.
"Hey Allie", Stiles smiled weakly "I am sorry I just jumped out of there. I just needed a moment to collect myself".
"You don't have to apologize to me", Allison smiled "just tell me... why do you think you can't be honest with them about yourself?"
"You didn't know their dad Allie", Stiles took a deep breath "I only remember pieces of memories with him but I remember that he was raging when he saw a gay couple on the streets. That scarred me for life. I was so afraid to come out to my dad back then just because of that memory. After my dad was all supportive I thought that you all would be as well also because I knew how you reacted to Danny and I felt safe but I don't know how they feel about that topic and I really don't want to have to hide this but I am really afraid about this".
"I see", Allison nodded "but you told me that your nightmares return when Derek isn't with you, how do you want to get this under control when you don't tell them?"
"I have no idea", Stiles sighed desperatly "I just don't know. I just know that I am afraid. When they would know, they would want to know more about Derek and when they would find out about him being a werewolf then they will try to kill him. My life is falling into pieces and I have no idea what to do".
"We are all here to help you, Stiles and you don't have to tell them anything. Just please take care of yourself, I don't want you to have these nightmares again", Allison cupped his cheek in her hand "I don't want you to remember how I was back then. I am alive and I am well. I have no clue how the doctors did it but I am okay and it was not your fault. So please get Derek to be with you without them noticing so you don't have to see it again and again".
"Will do my best", Stiles huffed a laugh.
"Come on now, they need our brains down there or otherwise Scott and Isaac will suggest to just walk through the woods in the middle of the night again and that will help nobody", Allison laughed and took Stiles' hand to lead him downstairs.
Arriving there she pulled Derek to the side.
"He is afraid that they will come after you but he still needs you by his side now more than ever, so please get your stalker, ninja skills out of whatever cabinet you stored them in and be with him to prevent any more panic attacks, okay?", Allison updated him and raised a brow waiting for confirmation.
"Promise", Derek smiled at her and she exhaled reliefed.
They went on with talking about the werewolf then and decided on asking Noah and Chris for new information.

Days went by and Stiles and Derek did their best to manage to sleep in the same bed at night so that Stiles wouldn't fall into another panic attack and they did really good. No one noticed Derek slipping in through Stiles' window by night and leaving before anyone woke up. They didn't get any new information on the attacks but there was luckily also no new attack in town so for now they were feeling a little safer, hoping that the attacks were over but weren't really seeing the day when they would have a piece of luck and peace in Beacon Hills.
And of course their luck would not stay so Derek had to go after a suspicious animal in the woods with Peter one night because they suspected it to be the werewolf and Stiles had to stay alone that night. He was so tired but still unable to find sleep until it took him eventually and the pictures of a bloody fight filled his mind.

Hope you liked it.
By the way is there anyone here that would be interested in some anime fanfiction? Because I am currently working on several ZoSan, Otayuri, KiriBaku and Reigisa stories. Just let me know if you'd read that stuff.
Lots of love!

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