Part 3

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" Grief does not change you, Hazel. It reveals you."

-John Green, The Fault in Our Stars


Being a teenager can be some shit, but I'm still pretty sure it's better than being an adult.

Sure being an adult means freedom, but it also means jobs and bills and a shit ton of other stuff I'd rather not deal with like making my own doctor appointments.

It doesn't help that most adults act like all dreams die the day you turn 25.

Then again when you are a teenager everyone expects you to act like an adult while they treat you like a child; You have no real choice in anything.

Maybe, it doesn't matter whether you are a teen or adult.

Maybe, life just sucks for everyone.

"You're going to be late if you don't hurry up and leave soon." My mom said as she looked at me.

Today was the first day back to school. I was beyond feeling excited or even nervous. I felt nothing.

"I guess that's my cue to leave then," I said as I tried to force a smile on my face. She bought it as she smiled back at me.

With that, I left.

There was no winning with Maryland weather. There were three types of days: cold as fuck, hot as fuck, and my least favorite wet as fuck.

Today it was hot. Not just regular hot, but gross hot outside. I almost regretted wearing all black, almost.

The drive to school was quick. The parking lot filled with cars, buses, and friends reuniting after a long summer.

I didn't get it, how everyone could seem so happy; as if they were actually happy.

Nobody noticed me as I walked up the school steps.

The hallway was just as crowded as outside as students and teachers wondered around.

"Dan my man." A voice said from behind me as an arm wrapped around my shoulder. It was Levi.

His tan skin even more sun-kissed than normal. A goofy grin on his face.

"Levi." I greeted.

He laughed. "Daniel." he mocked.

I smirked as I knocked his arm away. "Vi."

He rose his brow. "Danny."



"Shut up already or find a room," Michael said appearing out of nowhere. Levi turned to him a smirk on his face.

"No need to be jealous, babe," Levi said with ease as he put his arm around Michael. Michael shoved Levi away but said nothing as he rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Hello, losers," Devon yelled as he walked towards us.

His fade freshly cut and a grin wide on his face.

"Did you get your schedules yet?" Michael asked once Devon reached us. I tuned out of the conversation as I felt someone staring at us.

I turned to see Grace and Vanessa glaring in our direction.

"What happened between you and Grace?" I asked interrupting Levi as he answered Michael's question.

The smile on his face finally dropped. "I have no idea what you are talking about." His answered quickly, too quickly as he glanced at Devon.

"Then why a-" I started but he cut me off. "I'm going to go get my schedule. I'll be right back." Levi said quickly before walking away.

I turned to Michael, he was frowning. Devon looked confused as his brows pulled together.

"I'll go with him," Michael said quickly before following after Levi leaving Devon and me behind.

Devon and I turned to each other.

"Do you honestly believe something is going on between Levi and my sister?"

"Do you honestly believe something isn't?" I asked back.

Devon snorted. "There is a higher chance of something between Levi and Michael and there is between Levi and Grace."

"Levi and Michael?" I asked doubtfully. It was impossible.

Devon shrugged with ease. "I ship it."

"Ship what where?"

Devon looked at me for a moment as if trying to figure out if my question was too dumb to answer.

"All I'm saying is with Azeem leaving so soon I wouldn't be surprised if Levi and Michael got together or something." Devon finally answered ignoring my question.

"Azeem is leaving?"

Devon's face softened. "You didn't know?"

"Was I suppose to?"

I hadn't seen any of the guys in weeks. How was I supposed to know these things if no one ever told me anything?

I didn't know who to be annoyed with more: Myself for being gone for six months and expecting everything would be the same or them for keeping things from me and changing.

Things weren't supposed to be like this. They were supposed to be better and I guess they were. But, it was almost like things had gotten worse in a whole other way.

It just-

Stop. Calm down. Don't overthink it.

One.....two.... three.... breathe.

I sighed.

Devon was looking at me. His face twisted in worry.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded.

"Look, I'm sorry-" he started but I cut him off. "It's fine. It's whatever. Is there anything else I should know?" I asked trying to force myself to smile; trying to force myself not to care.

"Well, there is something you should know... it's about Emma."

Emma. I still hadn't seen her since my party. I looked around the hall. She wasn't here yet. I wonder what was taking her so long, she was normally early for everything. I wonder if she was in her homeroom already just waiting for the bell to ring. Maybe, I'll see her at lunch.

"Daniel, are you listening to me?" Devon asked snapping me out of my train of thought.

"What?" I asked.

He didn't get a chance to answer as I noticed Emma and Rebecca finally turn into the hall. Their schedules in hand as they laughed about something.

I couldn't help but smile.

Emma's hair was loose and free falling around her shoulders. She wore a bright yellow top and blue jeans. And most notably, she wasn't wearing her glasses.

Suddenly an arm wrapped around her shoulder.

Who the fuck was he?

I frowned.

Emma's smile brightened as she turned to the guy and hugged him.

Even as they separated from their hug his arm stayed around her.

I felt sick.

"Who the fuck is that?" I asked as the mystery guy whispered something into Emma's ear making her blush.

Devon laughed awkwardly as I turned to him.

"That is what I was trying to tell you."

{Published: December 9th, 2018}

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A/N: I'm so sorry for making you guys wait so long between updates. School and work have just been killing me. Luckily, finals are over after this week and I'll be on break so I should be able to start posting regularly.

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