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To say that Namjoon was surprised when a random boy pushed the book he was reading so intently down to peer into his shocked eyes would be an understatement. But that is exactly how six-year-old Namjoon found himself in front of eight-year-old Jin. The older boy tilted his head to the side, a wide grin on display, as he watched Namjoon's expression turn into one of surprise.

Namjoon shot back in his seat, his 'big boy chapter-book' lay forgotten on the table with Jin's nimble fingers marking the page for him. His attention was now glued onto this odd boy that seemed way too happy to see him in his opinion.

"Why're you in a library when it's sunny outside?" Jin asked curiously.

Namjoon blinked slowly as Jin waited for his response. He flickered his eyes that started to shake from fear to the older and then to his lap. He had no idea how to answer the older or if he even wanted to answer the older.

"What's wrong?" Jin now frowned as he realized that Namjoon wasn't going to answer his question anytime soon. His eyes widened as if he thought of something before leaning in closer to Namjoon. The younger felt as if his eyes were going to pop out of their sockets by how wide they got. Once Jin thought he was close enough to Namjoon, he whispered in a low hiss, "Is your mom making you stay inside?"

The older leaned back to give Namjoon some space, who instantly released a breath he didn't realize he was holding. The younger looked up at the smiling older timidly before he shook his head. He began to twiddle his thumbs about anxiously as he mumbled a soft, "I wanted to read inside today."

Jin beamed at the younger, pride swelling in his chest with the fact that he finally got the younger to respond. His smile then fell along with his brows that furrowed in confusion as he took in exactly what Namjoon said. He scratched the top of his head as he looked at the younger, "Why would you stay inside to read when you can go outside and play on the playground?"

"I like reading," Namjoon replied shyly. He saw Jin's confused expression switch to one full of determination. Namjoon wasn't sure if he should feel gracious or afraid.

Jin folded the page of Namjoon's book 'doggy ear' style, as Namjoon referred to it as, and snapped the novel closed. The older then shoved the book into the younger's hands and tugged the boy up onto his feet from where he sat in the library.

The older brushed down the younger's clothes and then patted his shoulders with a small grin, "My name is Jin. What's yours?"

"N-namjoon," the younger spoke.

Jin's grin grew into a full-blown, smack-dabbing smile as he said, "Nice to meet you, Namjoon! You're my new best friend, okay?"

"W-what?" But before Namjoon could even get an answer to his question, Jin was dragging him outside to the playground.

On the bench in front of the slides sat a lady that reminded Namjoon much of Jin. Jin pulled them over to her and took the book out of Namjoon's hands only to slam it onto the bench next to her. Namjoon cringed at the maltreatment of the book and looked up at the women who smiled down at them.

"Mommy, look! I made a new friend. His name is Namjoon!" Jin exclaimed enthusiastically. He pointed at Namjoon who smiled awkwardly and in fright.

The women smiled at Namjoon gently, making sure not to scare off the poor boy like her son probably was doing, "Hello, Namjoon. I hope Jin hasn't scared you too much."

Namjoon shook his head quickly as Jin pouted and whined, "Mum don't embarrass me in front of my new friend. C'mon, Namjoonie, let's go play on the swings."

The younger stuttered an 'okay' as the older dragged him over to the swingset. He practically had no choice at this point.


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