Chapter 27: Reunited

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Mark POV

I wait at the first place I went with Jackson after we met, the school rooftop. I wait for the rest of the school day. He doesn't come at lunch, in between classes or at the end of the day. I worry that my speech only pushed him further away. What if he thought I was toying with his feelings? What if he left to go back to Hong Kong already? Was the damage already done? Was I too late? Tears begin to slowly well up in my eyes as I stare out into the distance. I speak towards the sky as if Jackson was there listening. As if somehow he could hear me speak. "Please don't go. I can't stand the thought of you not being by my side." I stare up in silence, the small tears beginning to fall. Once the final school bell rings I feel my last glimmer of hope begin to fade away, when suddenly a new voice breaks the silence.


The worried, soft and deep tone of the voice is all too familiar. I turn and am met with the person I longed to see most. The person I have been waiting for all day. Jackson stands in front of me with a concerned expression on his face. The same one I've seen time and time again, like the day of sleepover when he heard I was lonely. I blink a few times, rubbing my eyes a few times to make sure he was real. To make sure he was really standing in front of me. I don't even speak, instead choosing to run to him.


He catches me in his arms holding me in a deep embrace, one that I realized I loved. I fit perfectly into his arms, like the missing piece of a puzzle. I just wanted to stay like this. I didn't realize how much I really missed him until now. I held on to him as tight as I could. My fingers continuing to squeeze his broad shoulders and muscled arms. "I--I was scared you already left, that---that I was too late!" Jackson continues to hold me, his fingers starting to run through my fiery red hair. "Did you really mean everything you said Mark?" he softly whispers. I break away from the hug, still holding on to him though, and look deep into his brown eyes. I nod. "I like you, Jackson Wang. I was just too dumb to realize or admit it before. The thought of what others might say really did worry me, but now...the thought of you not being by my side is a pain I just can't endure." Jackson pulls me back into his arms. "God Mark I love you so much." I look at him one more time, his hand caressing my cheek. I take my arms and wrap them around his neck. Our faces moved closer and closer, closing any space between us until our lips meet for the first time. The kiss is slow but deep and full of passion. You feel all of our emotions, the love we had for one another. "I've wanted to do that for a long time," he says, causing me to blush. "Marky..." I look up, he hasn't called me that in a long time. " be my boyfriend?" I pull him into another hug. "Of course Jacks." I kiss him again. "I love you, Jackson." "I love you too Mark."


Csdlkvskldf my Markson heart!!! T_T They so cute...did you like this chapter? Imagine I made Jackson leave Mark I'm so evil. Our Markson couple is finally together!! Yay! But also :( bc the story is coming to its conclusion soon.

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