Chapter 2

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"Mom you have got to stop setting these on the counter" Yelled Griffin as she walked into the house, and over to the bowl of swedish fish "I will eat all of them even though I don't want to!"
"That does not make sense! Why would you eat them if you don't want to?" Said there little 4 year old sister Jenna as she rushed by being chased by her twin brother Josh. Griffin reached out and grabbed Jenna and started tickling her and said "What do you mean it doesn't make sense. It makes complete sense to me."
"Ok ok it makes sense" says Jenna giggling
Griffin smiles and says "Thats what I thought missy." as she sets Jenna back down.
"Back already are we" says there mom as she walks into the room.
"Yep no use staying the whole day to do nothing right?"
" I don't know you do a lot of nothing around here so what does a change of venue matter?" there mom says with a smile.
"Haha very funny, me and Taren are headed upstairs to start on our break homework, we don't want to be worried about it in Australia."

"I don't think the teachers have a right to give us break homework." Griffin complained as the were doing there family history project "It is called break for a reason."
"I know" Taren agreed "but there is nothing we can do about it, and I would prefer to get it done now rather than later. Hey I am going to run downstairs and grab our family history books it might make this project easier."
"Ok sweet I am going to start making the poster"
As Taren headed downstairs her mom asked her "Hey so what is this winter break project you have to do anyways?"
"Oh it's just this family history thing. We just have to make a poster board that shows a little bit about our family. It's not to hard. I am just headed downstairs to get those family history books from the basement."
"Oh um ok." Her mom replied with uncertainty
" Is that not ok?"
"No its fine go ahead"
Taren brought the book upstairs and her and Griffin started to go through it. They found lots of interested stuff about there ancestors, but as they finished up there board that they were going to show the class they got to the part were they had to write a little bit about themselves, and they started to wonder if they were in this family history book. So they went to the very end of the book, and could not find themselves which they thought made perfect sense, because it was a family history book and they were not history quite yet. Then they saw something that really confused them. They saw Josh and Jenna at the very end of the book.
Very shocked Griffin said "Why would Josh and Jenna be in here but we aren't? We are older than them after all. Shouldn't we be right here in between mom and the twins?"
"Yeah this does not make anysense" replied Taren "but when I told mom that I was getting the history books she looked concerned. Maybe this is why."
"Lets go ask her"

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